Chapter 19

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*Andrew Pov*

"See, I think all this revenge thing is enough. Tell me where she is." I said finally fed up with his behavior.

"I am taking you there only, right?" he asked still walking before me while I am following him, which is as per his orders.

"We are travelling too slowly. For the past two days you have made me go to many places, but not to the right place." I replied shaking my head.

"You know even though you are right, it is not my revenge. I am following someone else orders as you reaching near her two days back would have caused too much trouble." He said turning back while I frowned at him.

"She knows I am coming to meet her?" I asked, to which he shook his head smiling.

"No! I didn't tell her and will not do that until you reach near her. For now I am adding the revenge I need to take on her too for worrying all of us with the mission she took for you." He replied in a serious tone.

"See that tall tree? Go near it and you will find the way." He said and I turned to see the tall tree as he said but it is too far.

"Are you telling the truth?" I asked, to which he chuckled and walked near to me.

"Don't hurt her, Andrew. You will get hurt in the return." He said in a threatening tone.

"Do you really think I will harm a girl and that too Victor's daughter?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

"I am not talking about physical hurt because I know she can take care of herself. But I am talking about emotional hurt. She has been through a lot already." He replied and started walking away through the direction we came.

"And don't worry about the revenges, I will take them with you soon." He added while I shook my head and started walking towards that tree.

What is she doing in another forest? This is near to many villages, but still what work does she have here or what home? I thought and reached the tree within half an hour.

"Damn it!" I mumbled when I saw nothing near the tree and no one is there.

He really took the revenge! I thought, frowning and stepped forward only to feel myself falling deep into something.

"What?" I screamed feeling the thumping of my heart and tapped beside me to see I am on the ground and moved my legs to check whether they are working.

I sighed in relief and started thinking how to get back at him for this stunt and glanced up only to still I my place.

There she is sitting on the other side of this hole with her knees pushed to her chest ad a frown covering her face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, to which her frown left the face and she leaned back on the dirt.

"Shouldn't I be the one who asks that question?" she asked back.

"Sam!" I replied and she nodded.

Then we both heard a beep and she turned before taking a small device from the ground. She placed that near her ear and started nodding her head.

"So, you are here to know answers." She stated after keeping the device away.

"How do you know?" I asked her frowning.

"Sam!" she replied and I nodded.

"Ask away!" she added while I nodded again before thinking what to ask.

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