Chapter 12

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*Andrew Pov*

"Damn it!" I mumbled kicking the stone and tried breathing to control the anger and frustration.

It's been one week since I got doubts about her, but still couldn't find what is she hiding in the first place.

And to top off all these why am I not feeling any less about her even after having these doubts? Do I have an instinct that whatever she is hiding are minute things?

I really hope they are minute like the guesses I got mostly containing her being from poor family and some problem for her because of which she ran away. Or her Dad really is the bad guy from whom she ran away. Or else the guy she was dating is a bad guy and ran away from him.

Of course I liked the last guess each time I think about it. God! I thought, rubbing my forehead, feeling the headache not reducing with all these thinkings.

"Baby! What are we going to do now?" I heard a voice from behind me making me remember not just one problem is in my head right now.

When will I get some peace? I thought looking up and sighed before shaking my head knowing well it is not anytime soon.

"Stop calling me that, Lily." I replied in a warning tone.

"But... but we are lovers. How else should I call you?" she asked with as much confusion dripping with the words as she can.

"Lily! My head is breaking. Just leave me alone." I said, sighing and then I didn't hear any word or sound.

I frowned and turned to see no one is behind me. Great! After one week on this playing like lovers, she finally came herself from the past two days playing her part.

And now, I just pushed her away. I don't care whatever the reason is for her escape, but I am not going to lose her.

I sat on the rock and stared at the ocean turning around. After a few minutes I closed my eye until I felt a hand on my forehead.

"What is it?" I asked, opening my eyes and saw her sitting on the rock above mine.

"Well, I don't have anyone here to talk except you. So, if you will not talk, then I will go mad. Now, I will try to remove your headache which would ensure that I have someone to talk to. Now, close your eyes and let me try to remove your pain." She said and turned my head so that it is lying on her lap.

I smiled and let her do her massage. And before I know, I am drifting off into deep sleep until I felt a presence above me.

I blinked my eyes and saw a figure before closing them. However, in the next minute I realized it is not a girl figure and opened my eyes clearly.

To my disbelief there is no one and I immediately stood up before rushing to the hut along with looking around to catch that person.

"Lily?" I shouted, entering and saw her sleeping on the cot.

I breathed in relief and again walked outside before narrowing my eyes and looked around. I know the feeling that there is someone else like from many days.

However, recently it left after I did all that search. But now, was I imagining it? I thought, shaking my head.

If I am imagining then am I imagining her saying two things for the same incident too? I thought, but immediately shook my head.

No! I am not wrong with that and not this. I should give it a search again! I thought, nodding to myself.

I turned and realized I can't leave her here. However, I can't leave this matter too. I closed the door before walking in one direction.

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