Chapter 24

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*Lily Pov*

"Why are you so angry today?" Kevin asked the millionth time of the morning.

"Because my Boyfriend thought it was wonderful to break up with me through a message and then move away from town without giving a proper reason. Happy?" I asked, snapping at him stopping my practice.

"Woah! How did that happen?" he asked with surprise look.

"Even I want to know it." I replied, giving him a suspicious look.

"Not me! I don't have that much talent of bearing your wrath." He said raising his hands.

"Why do all leave me, Kevin? You left me and then he left me. Now, this stupid too left me. What should I do? Should I really consider something different?" I asked him frowning.

"Consider what?" he asked, frowning back.

"Girls!" I replied in a whisper and he immediately burst out laughing while I just sulked sitting on the ground.

"What is happening here?" there you go he always enter with that question making me think maybe he gulped a machine which utters those words.

"My funeral!" I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" he asked with a frown and then turned towards Kevin.

"She always has anger issues." Kevin replied, shrugging and I immediately punched his leg, making him hiss in pain before rushing away from there.

"Why are you not practicing?" Andrew asked, folding his hands.

"I am taking a break." I replied before pressing my head to hands and stayed silent hoping he will leave me alone.

"You were doing the last move wrongly." He suddenly said, making me turn to stare at him.

"What?" I asked him frowning.

"Yes! You were doing it wrong." He replied shrugging.

"Then show me." I challenged standing up fisting my hands.

He shrugged and did exactly like I did making me glare at him. When he stopped I started doing the same but he suddenly held my hand before I move it to punch the air.

"If you do like this then it will really punch the air not the man." He stated before moving behind me and adjusted the angle in which my hand is moving before he pushed it forward.

"Good! Now, the next one." He whispered and changed the move while I suddenly realized how close he is to me or shall I say how nothing is there between us.

"I understood!" I mumbled wishing he can step back.

"Ok! However, let's see the next one." He mumbled back, but hasn't released me and continued to move hands with his and legs by pushing with his.

"What is happening?" I mumbled and stilled to which he sighed.

"Why do you have to be so young?" he suddenly asked leaving my hands and moved them to my waist.

"What?" I asked, not understanding the turn of events.

"You know how big is difference of twelve years?" he asked, squeezing my waist making me shiver.

"But the difference doesn't seem to be there when you were fucking me though, isn't it?" I asked with anger finally understanding his words and jabbed him with my elbow making him release me.

"You really have anger issues." He stated rubbing his ribs when I turned to face him.

"That's all I know how to react to my situations. I can't really cry all the time like I acted near you. So, it is better to stay away from me like you wished from the beginning and not let the lust cover your eyes." I said, trying to push away the squeezing of the heart understanding his sudden interest.

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