Chapter 11

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*Andrew Pov*

I groaned blinking my eyes and adjusted to the light before looking around to guess that it is already afternoon. Why am I sleeping this late? I thought, rubbing my eyes with a hand and tried to do the same with another but couldn't lift it at all.

I frowned before turning towards my left to see that the reason I can't lift it as it was still suspended below her head and she is still pressed to me after which I realized another problem.

Until she entered this forest or worse, my life I thought celibacy is not at all a bad thing after I had to surrender to it from the past two years due to the conditions I too don't know.

However, now it seems like the most difficult thing to do. I know she is completely innocent which make it sure I can't take any advantage too no matter how attracted she is to me.

Then I remembered her shivering yesterday and touched her forehead to see that it is in normal temperature.

I smiled and moved my palm over to her cheek before brushing it with my fingers and placed my head in her neck crook before hugging her tightly.

She groaned with the disturbance, but settled within seconds before she fell asleep again. I smiled on her neck before pestering the kisses while moving my face towards her throat and then to the ear before biting it.

"Ahh! What are you doing?" she immediately asked before trying to pull away from my hold.

"It seems you have fever. So, I am checking it." I replied and continued my trail of kisses back to throat and then to the neck.

"I don't feel that I have fever." She said holding my face and pushed it back so that she has the eye contact with me.

"And who checks the fever like that?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

"You will not know whether you have fever or not but only others can check." I said in a serious tone.

"And at some places it is there and at some it isn't. So, I am checking to make sure where it is." I replied smirking to which she stared at me with shock and her jaw dropped dragging her mouth to open.

"And I forgot one main place." I added before pressing my mouth to hers and pushed the tongue inside hers before she have any chance.

"Yesterday only I said all that and now you kissed me?" she asked groaning when I released her after controlling her breath.

"You shouldn't have! Now, as you are saying you don't have fever. Why don't you come to freshen up and have some vegetables?" I asked and made an attempt to move but she immediately clutched my hand.

"I think I am having fever." She said holding my hand to herself tightly.

"Really? But you said you don't right?" I asked frowning hiding my smirk.

"No, no! How can I tell regarding that? You check and tell!" she said in an innocent voice and just stared at me.

"No! There is no fever." I said after placing my hand on her forehead.

"But... but you said it will not be same at every place right? And... and... urgh! Your hand must be too hard to know whether what you are touching is hot or cold." She said biting her lip.

And she placed her hands covering her ears for a second before closing her eyes along with moving her head back before removing her hands in a way giving me more access to her neck and throat.

"Your wish is my command." I whispered and pressed my lips to her cheek and trialed the kisses all over her face and neck coming out of my shock.

"So, what is it?" she asked in a breathless whisper clutching my head and her breathing is heavy matching mine.

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