Chapt. 1

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- "Family" -

"Outta the way!" A girl shoves a fellow student aside, not caring what they think. She strides by, her frisky "lapdogs" hot on her heels. Heavy makeup. Long, shining, flowing hair. Perfume that could make someone pass out from suffocation. Bodies like models. Short skirts and revealing clothes. A bust that men would die for. They had it all. Popularity, money, you name it. But that is not you.

The 'queenie' stops by a student, that's looking through her locker, and leans against a nearby locker. "Look what came back from the slums." The girl emphasizes the word "slum." The other girl who was in her locker pulls away and looks at the other girls. She raises a brow. "Excuse me?"

That was you. Jeans, sweaters, and graphic tees. Makeup free and has a passion to hate any feminine product that comes into your vision. If a magician were to turn you to a dude, you wouldn't give a damn.

Back to the issue. The girl in front of you is, (G/n). She's been giving you a hard time since grade school. Every time you hear her voice, you just want to smack her lips off that face of hers. Would anyone take your side? Not very many. Everyone is just as bad or just don't have the guts to say it to their face. And you? You were another story...

"You heard me. So bitch, I've heard that you've been talking shit lately?" (G/n) says, inspecting her nails. You scowl at the name. "No, who the hell told you that? Although, your presence does annoy me. Prance along and add another layer of makeup or something. That perfume of yours is giving me a headache."

The locker behind you slams closed. One of (G/n)'s lackeys stood behind you. "Listen, you guy looking freak. No one really wants a junkie like you running around this school. Just crawl back into your dark alley and keep the cutting to yourself, kay?"(G/n) sneers. "Yeah, we don't want you here. No one wants you. So do us a favor and bring your whorish self somewhere else."her friend buds in. Those words just made your blood boil. Whore? You knew damn well you were still a virgin. Better yet, you didn't date anyone at all. Well, there were just people that weren't your type or the guys were just douche bags.

You let out a sigh, closing your eyes. "What's the matter? Smart ass mouth of yours can't keep up?" You slightly open your eyes and gave (G/n) a deathly glare. The girls flinch from your stare, taking a step back. "Look, I'm trying to be nice. So if you don't get your fake, Barbie plastic face, and your cocky leashed dogs out of my face, I'm breaking pretty faces."you growl.

The girls gave a surprised expression. (G/n) recovers quickly before the others. "Whatever,"she mutters. (G/n) whips around and walks ahead. "Let's go." She calls to her friends. The other girls follow close behind, glancing back at you. "Like you would understand." (G/n) remarks without turning around. "Yeah, life in plastic!"you shoot back. This frustrates (G/n), making her stomp away faster, her friends trying hard to catch up.

You huff and walk out of the school with your bag. Now it was time to deal with another problem of the day. Your family. But first, you were going to the park.

"I'm home!"you call. You take off your shoes by the door and walk down the small hall. In the kitchen, you see your mom drop the dishes into the sink and whips around. She places her hands on her hips and gives you a stern look. "Where have you been?!"she demands.

You give her the 'What did I do?' face. You point with your thumb behind you, looking out the window and back to your angry mother. "At the park?" You reply, sounding more like a question. (M/n) gestures to the clock with her hand in a frustrated way. "It's 6 o'clock! I told you to come home early before the guests arrived!"she shouts. Your expression changes to a blank look. "Why would I put on a dress and look fancy for a manners teacher that I won't go to?"I scoff.

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