Chapt. 2

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- The Letter -

You landed in a crouch on your front lawn. You knew just where the park was. You went through there everyday just to clear your head. Your walk broke into a run. You were gonna find (S/n), and she me wasn't going to slip past you easily like all the other times.

Your P.O.V.
I had my hands on my knees, panting heavily. I finally made it to the park. My eyes scanned the barren area. Where could that brat I call a sister be?

Then I hear a giggle in the distance. My head perked up. I slowly pushed myself upright and look to where that familiar sound came from. There she was. (S/n) was talking to a guy-- who looked to be in his mid-twenties!? "Oh, hell no." I growled as I start to march towards my inane younger sister.

As I was many yards away, I could see the guy, who's back was turned to me, sneak around (S/n). He pulls something from his back pocket; a cloth. I knew what was going to happen, but it was palpable that (S/n) thought otherwise. She better be grateful once she is rescued. But, a piece of me that she won't be..

That guy, who could be so called Aaron, Adrian, or whatever-- grabbed onto my sister and was about to drug her. Luckily, I grabbed his hand on time. He looked back at me in surprise. I yanked him away from (S/n) and punched him square in the face. The guy stumbled back a bit, holding onto his nose. He gave me a glare and tried to swing at me with his left arm. I was able to duck down low in time. Using my hand as balance on the ground, I kicked the guy in the gut, hard. His face scrunched in pain and he doubled over and fell onto his knees. The man groans in pain. I pushed myself back to my feet. I trudged over to the stranger and put a hand on his shoulder. Confused and exhausted, he looked up at me. I gave him the right hook.

He was down.

"What..the fuck, (Y/n)!?" I heard (S/n) shout. I turned my head to her and cock a brow. "What now?"I asked. "Did you really just do that!? Are you trying to ruin my life?"she shouted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was she really getting mad at me for saving her?

"Oh, what now!? I just saved your sorry ass from getting kidnapped by that prick!" I point at the man on the ground. "You barely even know this guy on your computer and you just jump out there like nothing's wrong! He's like thirty and he almost drugged you!"I snapped. (S/n) gives me a dirty look. "How the hell do you know I've been talking to him?"she asked smugly. I crossed my arms and gave her a look that said it all.

"You went through my computer!? How did you even get in, you sneaky rat!?" She screeched, getting in my face. I roughly shoved her back for some space. "You're easy to guess. And don't get all smug with me!" I yelled at her, sounding like the older sister I always was. "You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mom!" (S/n) barked at me. "She's both our mom." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah? Well, you don't act like her daughter! You're more of (F/n)'s kid than our mother's." My sister remarked. Before I could retort anything, she added, "Why should I be respectful to (F/n) anyway? He's not my father. And you're not really even my oh so-called 'sister.'" She makes quote marks of the word "sister" with her fingers.

That was right..She really isn't my sister. We're only half sisters. A little while after I was born, the bond between Mom and Dad were a little rough. Dad found Mom with another guy behind his back, and they decided it was time to divorce. Then that's when she comes in. (S/n)..The one who got spoiled crazy when growing up. While I was somewhat ignored and getting most of the scolding. But the relationship between (S/n)'s dad and Mom didn't last either.

Me and (S/n) were doing a stare down, until we were interrupted. "Oh God..I think you broke my nose!"he exclaimed. I glared down at him. "Shut up, Aaron!"I shouted. "It's Adrian!" Both (S/n) and Adrian double teamed me. "Why are you defending him?" I growled at my half sibling. "Why are you such a-- Ugh!" (S/n) looked as if she was going to rip her hair out. She whipped around and stormed off to what seems the direction of home.

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