Chapt. 5

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A/N: MA/N - Your Male Name

- Exams and Who? -

It's been two hours since you got on your desktop and started looking for a school just right for you and your plan. You wanted to prove everyone in this world wrong; although, most people in the world wouldn't even know about you. That sorta sounded weird to you.

Your cheek rests on one of your hands while your dominant hand constantly scrolls through the list of schools. Your (e/c) eyes boredly skim through the highlighted names of schools, checking some out once in a while. They were all mostly the same. Some of this stuff didn't even involve school, just ads. You're mentally exhausted, hanging onto the edge with all your might. Your eyes burn and let out occasional yawns. This was exhausting, even though you didn't do anything physical much.

You pull away and lean way back in your chair. The Palmar surface of your hands rub over your eyes vigorously. You let out a loud, dramatic groan, mumbling incoherent words. Some of them not making sense. You slouch back to the desk and continue going. A small flicker of determination of finding a school still burns within you.

Question: Why would a teen like you be so determined to find a school? People expect many teens like yourself would just ditch school, break rules, and live like nothing matters and no one can stop you. Not you. You had a dream to achieve. And that means you had to get through the horrors of school first. Yeah, school isn't your cup of tea, but it has to be done. And at least you have one person to make proud of you. You definitely don't want to end up a bum on the streets in the future.

Now here you are, slaving away to find this school of your future. You let out another dramatic noise escape your mouth. You keep on scanning the pages with little interest till a name catches your eye.

"What's this?"you mumble.

You click the link and it takes you to another page filled with facts of a school. "Hetalia High, huh..?" Your soft voice is filled with slight interest over the wave of boredom. You throughly read through the info. Every detailed word, picture, and history interests you even more.

Apparently, it's a special school and it's the hardest school to get in through the exams. You can only take the test in the school  Special ones get hand picked by the top staff of the academy. They had specific requirements and are quite... unique. The percentage of people who are accepted into the place was...

"Two percent!?"you scream, shocked out of your wits. Your breath is taken away. How is this going to work?
Sat. 2:36 pm •

You ruffle your freshly-cut short (h/c) hair (ignore if yours is already short), leaned close to the mirror. You fix the bandages on your chest and pull on black button-up and button up. You pull over a grey vest on put on some jeans. You have matching shoes and place on a nice fedora. You overlook yourself and smirk. "I look good,"you compliment yourself. You pat yourself down and turn heel, heading out the bathroom.

Your father gives you a doubtful look. He is well aware of the plan you were going to unfold. "Are you sure about this?"he asks nervously. You nod your head, giving him a grin. "Yea, I'm sure. Don't worry."you reassure. "Just sit back, chill, and I'll be back."you say with a laid-back tone. (F/n) slowly sighs. Before he can say anything else, you kiss him on the cheek and run out of the house.

"Do you need a ride!?" You hear him call. "No, I'm fine!"you call back.
• Sat. 2:50 pm •

You let out heavy breaths as you are resting your hands on your knees. Your feet ached and your chest started to burn. You lift yourself up and look at the building ahead of you. "Woah..." Is all you can say as you marvel over the huge building before you that hides behind the gates. Fountain, structure, sculpture, everything! This makes you feel nervous by the slight intimidating feel to it. You shake your head to clear your mind and enter the gates of the empty campus.

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