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I know it feels like it has been forever since I have updated on Boy, Last War of the Undead, and all of my other stories, but this came to thought and I want to know from all my dearest readers. We all know by now we got our fellow bis, pans, waffles, etc. ALL over Wattpad. I am also one of these people. So if we are bringing in our much loved gorgeous 1p and 2p boys, why not add some of our gorgeous ladies??? This book will be very long and I want to have that variety of endings where everyone is satisfied. Because I am sure as hell there are some of you tearing through one shots just to find a Fem! Reader x Fem! Character and so forth.

Bring on the men and bring on the ladies!!!

This story is supposed to be unique and different. A story of a girl finding herself by going through crazy experiences she puts herself through. Is she into men? Women? Both? She wanna be a man? It's a rollercoaster!! That's one of my reasons why my title was so simple but it stuck out.

So request the people you want involved this story. I am for sure putting on the most popular countries but I will try to work with others. I don't want the story to be catastrophic. I might add some bonus endings as well ;) shh

Thank you so much for all of your support and patience. I love how everyone loves this story and feel a connection to it.

BataWolfe ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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