Chapt. 4

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- New Home -

The car parks in front of the covered entry of of a white and gray house. The place seems to be a story smaller than your old one, but you were cool with that. You were urging to get out of the car and check this neat looking place out. You grab your bags from the trunk and headed for the front door, your smiling father trailing behind.

You stop in front of the stone grey door, prepared to be revealed to the interior of the house. (F/n) arrives by your side moments later. "You ready?" He asks, meeting his eyes with your (e/c) ones. You nod and turn back to the door of your soon to be new home, having mixed feelings in the pit of your stomach. You were excited, ready, and nervous. You don't know why, but you were.

In the corner of your eye, you see your father grin. He pulls out the keys and unlocks the door. Once you hear that satisfying click, he turns to you. "And the moment of truth. Welcome to your new home!" The door gets pushed open. You can't help but look in with awe. What you see before you made your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky.

The house was quite spacious inside. The floors were polished cherry wood, making your sock-covered feet slide against the smooth surface a little once you took your shoes off. The walls were painted light grey and cream white. Long, wide windows reveal the outside world and huge patio the house has. There was a small closed closet to your left. To your right was the living room area. A long, brown L couch was there and had cushions that look like you can sink into once you sit down on it. Little ways next to it was a smaller leather chair that can allow you to lean back and lounge in it. In the corner of that side of the room was a tall lamp that was left shining part of the room. On the wall, where the couches were facing, was a 70 inch flat screen TV on the wall with cable, a Wii and a (PS4/X-Box/etc.) game console to go with it!? Did your father ever game? Yes he did. He used to game with you all the time when you were younger. You were already getting head over heels with this place already. But that wasn't all.

The dining area had a long, polished oak wood table with chairs placed on each side and ends of the table. Cheap-looking, long candles were placed in the center as decoration. The kitchen seemed a little bigger than your old one. In the kitchen had a black, polished marble counter. There was a sink, dish washer, stove, and a refrigerator that seemed to shine in your eyes. There was a small window and curtains above where the sink was. Above the counter were cabinets filled with delicious snacks and essential items. By the kitchen was a door to the other side of the patio. You couldn't wait to crash through the kitchen later.

Your mouth was unconsciously hanging open, your eyes glowing with excitement and pure joy. Your father, who was right next to you, was grinning proudly, hands on his sides. He used one hand to shut back your open mouth, which could have caught flies, closed. "It's not over yet, (N/n). Come on, before your feet end up glued to the ground. It's time to head to your room."he said, making his way to the other part if the house.

On your way there, you were showed the power room and the laundry room. On the left side was your father's room, the master bedroom, and to your right was your room. You get in and check your new cave out.

The walls were painted in (f/c). The floor had light colored carpeting, and a window that was hiding behind (2/f/c) curtains. In the very corner of your room was a small space, next to your empty closet. There was a desk inside with an awesome spinny chair and had outlets. Your computer was definitely going to be put in there. Your closet was spacey and had enough room for you to get more clothes and shoes too. In one corner had unknown boxes in there. You would look through them later. Pushing aside the mysterious boxes, you check out other things. Your bed was placed on the same side of the wall to where the door that leads to your very own bathroom. Your bed was queen sized with a black and white comforter that has interesting patterns. The sheets were matching to the walls of your room. The bed faced to the direction of the window. A small dresser was beside the bed.

The other part of the room has a small sofa couch and two bean bags on each side. In front of that was a 32 inch flat screen on the wall. Below it was a black drawer case. That was where you were going to put your-- ahem, undergarments. On top of it held a DVD player and yet another game console. Where did he get all this money!? (A/N: You'll find out later~ *wink* *wink*) Beside that to the right was a tall bookshelf. Part of it was filled with old and new movies that you love, games you enjoy, and the rest was empty. You were going to put comics, books, and manga in there.

The bathroom was bright inside. The mirror sparkled and perfectly shows your unique reflection. The walls were white and the floor was tiled. The curtains to the shower was ocean blue, black swirl designs stitched into it. The cupboards below the sink would soon contain your-- uh, feminine products.

Once you were finished with searching the whole place down, you went back to your dad. "So, whaddya think about the place?"he asks happily. You return the enthusiasm with a wide grin. "It's awesome!"you quickly reply. Your face changes to a confused one. "How did you manage to collect all the money on your own to get a place like this?"you curiously ask. The older man before you gives you a sheepish smile and just rubs the back of his neck. "It took a lot of work, and some help."he awkwardly answers.



After your dad left to do his own thing, you were busy unpacking. Your pants, shirts, sweaters, etc. are already put away; your undergarments and other accessories taken cared of; you put your CDs and books in the shelves; and you had your female needs already put away. Now, you are setting up your small computer room. You gently place your (f/c) and (2/f/c) headphones beside the keyboard. You adjust both speakers beside each side of your iMac computer (which took months to save up on and sneak into your old home) into the right angles. You also straighten out the mouse. Sometimes, you were quite OCD. You put up a poster of your favorite band to add some life to the room. You also put some of your favorite posters around the room, and other decorations.

You look around your new cave with hands on your hips, seeming proud of your work. You change into your pj's that consists of an oversized shirt, boxers, and a beanie that has an (anime/band) (quote/logo) stitched into it. You can shower later... Then you immediately walk back to your computer space. You hop into your chair and spin around a few times like a dork. You snap out of it and go back to concentration mode. You stretch out your limbs, run your hands through your messy (h/c) bangs, and crack your knuckles.

"Time for the plan initiation,"

- End of Chapter -

Hey everyone! How is the story plot so far? I apologize that you don't get to see your smol beans or your smokin' baes yet. But they shall arrive soon! Do not fret! And I also apologize if this chapter was boring as well. But I'm just going with the flow of the story plot. I don't want to rush, but I don't want to take forever. Hope you can cope with this. What're your opinions? I'd like to hear. Be honest. Any ideas for future chapters? I'll try to update as soon as possible, if plans of RL doesn't get in the way too much. Too keep you occupied, check out my other Hetalia reader insert if ya want! Until the next update!

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