Chapt. 7

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- Four Sides -

Once I entered the room, I feel as if it's a whole new world. Not to be dramatic or anything, but still...

There were tall bookshelves that was a foot away from hitting the high ceiling. I could tell it wasn't always used due to the coats of dust that layered the edges of some shelves. A oversized map was pinned to the wall that revealed Europe. Beautiful paintings were on other walls. Old rolled up maps were in corners and leaning against something. A huge window in front of me with thick, blood red curtains with gold lining that were pulled to the sides to reveal the entrance of the school outside. In front of the big window was a large wood desk with stacks and loose papers all scattered around, occasional writing utensils here and there. Funny thing that half the desk was messy, and the other was neat and organized. A wired mic that seemed to be for announcements was in the very corner. There were two seats behind it on each side, and someone was sitting on one of them.

The guy stands up to reveal himself more. I recognize him as the guy who..."offered" the pen to me. His features revealed that he was a carefree man. Maybe this will go smoothly after all? But what if he suspects something? Will I be found out and humiliated to everyone that a girl in school was dressed up as a dude? All of these questions were giving me a headache....

Question: Why would I even bother dressing up as a guy in the first place? Was there any point?

1.) To be honest, I didn't think this through.
2.) I thought I could show the world a thing or two (like girls can be just as awesome as guys).
3.) There's no way in hell I'm wearing a girl's uniform...
4?) Why the hell not? This could be dress as a guy and fool everyone. This will be worth remembering.

I mean-- there's nothing wrong with acting like a dude when you're a chick, right?

I also want to see how "difficult" life is as a guy, or so they claim. Remember who repopulates this god forsaken species. Well, this was gonna be a good story to the grandkids. If I ever get any, that is. Maybe I'll just adopt? I seriously need to stop talking to myself like I'm narrating my life is a story...

My thoughts get interrupted by the man before me, who I was idly staring doe-eyed at. "Ah, it's good to see you, Mr.(L/n)!" My name that rolled off his rogue made shivers run up my spine for some reason. Maybe it's the way he said it?

"Y-Yes, sir--" I wasn't able to continue my sentence.

"Please! Call me, Grandpa Julius!" His voice booms, tone happy. An arm unexpectedly wrapped over my shoulders, making me jump. He was right beside me! He's so quick, he's almost like a ghost! It's kinda freaky. But why call him that? Most teachers would lash out at you if you used such informalities like that.

I shrugged it off, saying a small 'okay.' Then I remembered once again the purpose of my presence here. "I'm here for my schedule?"I asked, unsure about it for some reason. Grandpa Julius jumped, a look of realization on his face. "Oh, that's right!"he exclaimed.

He started striding to his desk and went around it. He pulled out a drawer and started rummaging through it. He threw papers and files around and mumbling incoherent words to himself, making more of a mess than there already was. I just awkwardly stood there, looking around at particularly nothing in particular.

"Ah-ha!" The shout made me jump and snap my head towards the desk.

There in his hand was the paper I needed. He placed the paper down on the hard wood, the words facing me. I reached for it and scanned my schedule. Grandpa Julius expanded his arms out in an excited matter.

"Welcome to the boys' side of Hetalia High!"he cheered. Something clicked in my mind and I gave him a questioning look.

"Boys side? I thought this was an all gender school, but with two different parts?"I questioned.

A wholehearted laugh echoed in the room. "No, no. There are four parts. Two sides for the boys, 1ps and 2ps, as well as the girls." The head corrected.

"F-Four!?" I was flabbergasted. This school was more complex than I thought.  How is that even possible for a school to have that!? Are these guys loaded with the world's money!?

"But what about the girl roaming around this hall? Her name was Liz or something."I mentioned. If a smile could get any wider, his could. "Oh, her? She was just delivering something to me from one the Head of the Woman's 1ps side."he chuckled.

"What about the other girl in the halls that looked like she was ready to kill someone?"I added. Julius sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Natalia slipped by again? I'll need to call a couple of people to drag her back,"he muttered in a exasperated tone.

Suddenly, there was some crashing and a screech. I jumped, whipping around to the closed office door. "Oh, nevermind." The man said, his voice lighter. I glanced back at the man considered as one of the head people of this divided school with an unsure look. He seemed to catch my look and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure you'll have a great time at this school!"he reassured. He remained silent for a moment before speaking again. "I just hope you find what you're looking for."

His last words were confusing, but I just nodded at him. I gave him my thanks and headed out, not wanting to waste any more time than I needed.

After a few minutes of walking around like a lost child and glancing at my paper every few seconds I realized, I've forgotten to ask for someone to help me with directions. My palm made contact with my forehead.

So much for not wanting to waste time...

Julius P.O.V.

Once the (blonde/brunette/etc.) teen left my office, I couldn't help but grin.

"Let's see how this works out."

- End of Chapter -

Wow, this took longer than it needed,  but I did it...This chapter might also have seem boring, I apologize for that. Also, I knew some of you guys were be confused with the previous chapter, so I've decided to explain it in this chapter to help you somehow. I hope none of you are even more confused as well... =_= Anyways, if there are any suggestions/ideas for future chapters, feel free to comment. Until the next update (that I hope it won't take too long to post).

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