Chapt. 11

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- Wrong Side -

This place was like a whole new system. You'd expect to have screaming teens running up and down the halls, possibly getting drunk or high. But it was quiet, too quiet for comfort. Only the echoes of your shoes tapping the ground made sound within the desolate halls. It felt haunted, like one of those RPG horror games. Where was everyone? Were they in class? Or do they have the same lunch period.

You grabbed a handle and tried twisting it. Locked. Not only that, but the knob felt sticky and greasy. You grimaced and inwardly groaned, wiping your dirty palms on your clean pants. Never were you gonna try to open another door around here without a cloth again.

You felt like a rebel. The ones who skip class to act cool or just don't want to be in class. Like you're going to a place you're not allowed to be at. Well, that's pretty much what you were doing. Skipping lunch and possibly class to be in an area where you could get into deep trouble just for some phony spell book and out of sheer curiosity? Why not?

You peered around the corner. Just as you thought. More empty halls. You frowned. "There's no one here. I don't get it. Was he just yanking on my leash?" You muttered to yourself. What felt like fingers curl around your shoulder made your heart jump to your throat.

"Excuse me," said the person behind you.

》Back at the 1p Cafeteria 《

"We are a high school, not an elementary school!" The Vice Principal was lecturing the whole cafeteria of lunch time's event. The teachers nod at every statement he made as if he was some kind of preacher in a church. He was the discipline on the 1p boy's side. Everyone took him seriouslyㅡ well, most of them.

Hermann ((probably not his name but who cares)) Beilschmidt pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a disappointed sigh. "You are supposed to be a good influence on new students who come to this school." He looked up from his position. His sea green eyes scan the rows of students who are now properly sitting in their seats. The man noticed something was missing. "Where is the new student?" He asked.

Everyone started to look over their shoulders and around their areas. Even the new friends you made were curious of your whereabouts. No one could find you. Gilbert blinked in realization. "I knew I forgot something!" The albino shouted.

Antonio shook his head in disapproval. "Always forgetful," he said in with disappointment. His friend who sat beside him glared at him. "You are no better, bastardo."

The doors squeak open in greetings as someone walked in. Everyone turned their heads to that direction. "Where were you Popescu?" Mr. Beilschmidt asked.

Vladimir shrugged. "I was held back in class and was on my way here, until I came by a new face. He wanted to know directions of the bathroom so I showed him the way," he replied, giving an innocent toothy grin. The Vice didn't pay no mind to it and just nodded. He went back to subject.

"Now, on with this mess. You will all clean this up right now and no one may leave until everything is clean."

Everyone let out a groan, some blaming it on people or just complaining. They all got up and got to work. Vladimir let out a pleased sigh, a smile creeping up on his face.

》Back to You《

You let out a girlish yelp and jumped away. You spun around to encounter the person who snuck up on you. Your (e/c) eyes met with startledㅡ mostly confused baby blues.

He had short, messy, pinkish hair. What seemed to be foundation covered his face. The uniform was different from what you've seen on your assigned side of the school. White button-up, black pants, shoes, and a grey sweater vest that didn't seem to match his personality. He looked adorable. Why was he on the side where it seemed all horrible?

You quickly cleared your throat and made a move. "I mean uh-- Ah. You startled me there for a second." You awkwardly tried to lower your voice and failed miserably.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, but who might you be? I've never seen you around before," politely said the other male.

"I'm new here! Today is my first day," you lied. You had a tingling feeling that didn't feel right. Not because you lied, but you knew that you didn't belong there, and you felt that you might regret it later.

"Oh, really? Well, I haven't heard that we were going to have a new student here. Why haven't I seen you around? Someone would have noticed you by now," he pointed out.

You scratched the back of your neck. This was really a brain-buster. "Well you know, I just got here. Didn't really think much of being late."


The pink haired student softly gasped. "I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Olivier Kirkland." He showed his hand for a shake.

You were inwardly panicking. Should you say your name? No, you didn't want to give yourself away. But it'd be rude if you didn't! Make another lie. You've gone this far! This cute guy has been nothing but nice to you for the whole two minutes. You wracked your brain for a reasonable name.

"Jason Jones, nice to meet you," you replied quickly, taking his hand and shaking it. 'Why does that name seem so familiar for some reason?'

Olivier gasped, excitement shining in his eyes. You gave him a weird look. Did he like that name or something? "You're a Jones?!" He asked.

"Yeah...?" You answered, feeling unsure. This might not be good.

"You must be related to Allen Jones then!" Oliver beamed.

You were blown off course. You didn't know what in the world he was talking about. Allen Jones?

"Mostly beware of those with the last names of Vargas and Jones, and anyone who hangs near them," that guys voice from before echoed in your head.

Beware of those with the last names of Vargas and Jones.

Vargas and Jones!

It finally hits you. You've just used the last name of someone you were warned to be aware of! Why did you do that!?! Your heart was thumping. You wanted to freak out but kept your composure. All you could utter was an 'uh'.

An arm suddenly linked with your right one. You were being dragged away to who knows where. And you were panicking majorly on the inside. "Come on, it is still lunch time. Let's introduce you to the others and you can chat with Al!" He chirped.

That was something you definitely did not want to do. There were only two words on your mind...

Oh shit.


- End of Chapter -

Guess you're in a tight situation. You screwed up big time! You finally meet a 2p! Soon there will be more to encounter. This chapter was kinda quick, but I hoped you were entertained. And I love how you guys love it so far and say you can relate to it. That's what I was kinda trying to go for. And tbh, I do have a tomboy-ish personality, and it was hard to find one of these stories to relate to. So I thought, why not make my own?

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