Chapt. 8

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- New Friends? -

You walked down the hall and let out an annoyed sighed. You can't deny the fact that you were lost, and there's no one to help you since the halls of the 1p boys' side of this school is barren. Why can't there be at least one person straying out of class like they don't care if they're late or not? Guess you can't always get what you hope for...

You were supposed to find your first period, unfortunately it being english, but you didn't even have a clue on where to go. This search for English Class was going on for fifteen minutes passed class time. On the bright side, you weren't going to math early in the morning. That would have been quite a pain, wouldn't it?

You rounded the corner and stopped. You see the same matching blazer of your uniform. Your prayers have been answered! There really was someone who is lingering out of class! The rush of relief you felt in your veins was really satisfying. The guy was odd though. There was a strange feature about him, two actually. He was an albino. Snow white hair, pale skin, and Ruby red eyes. He wasn't super buff like some macho guys, but wasn't a limp noodle either. He was well-built. You wouldn't say it out loud, but he was actually good looking, compared to the other guys in your old school. The second strange feature that you couldn't ignore was that there was a yellow puff ball nestled in that white mop of his.

This was your chance! You started your way towards him. As you got closer, he started to notice your presence.

You asked, "Hey uh, do you know where Mr. Lee's class is?" A strange 'Keseseses' laugh (?) came from him. "So jou're one of the two new students accepted into zhe school zhat everyone is talking about,"he said, not answering your question. He had a unique accent. German maybe? The profile of this school did say it had so many unique students. Maybe all around the world.

"Erm, yeah,"you awkwardly replied. "Vhat's jour name?"the albino asked.

"(Ma/n) (L/n)."

"And I'm zhe awesome Gilbert Beilschmidt!"

"So, do you know where this class is?"

An arm heavily swings around your shoulder, almost knocking you over if you hadn't got your footing back. You started to get fidgety due to you feeling uncomfortable, but Gilbert, possibly a new friend, didn't seem to notice. "Let's go!" Gilbert's loud voice echoed in the empty halls, probably disturbing a few classes in session nearby.


Gilbert busted into the designated room; the door banged on the wall and possibly dented it. "Zhe awesome me has arrived!"he announced. Then he added, "And (Ma/n)." You couldn't help but roll your (e/c) eyes at him. If he wanted to get the attention, he sure got what he wanted.

Students had their heads turned to where you and that egotistical albino stood. You considered him that word due to partially listening to his ranting about (mostly) himself. There was also an angry middle-aged man glaring holes into the albino male.

"Mr. Beilschmidt, you're late! Again," the man snapped gruffly. "And you have no ridiculous excuse to make up for your mistake."

Gilbert did his laugh and slung an arm over your shoulder. "Actually, I do, Mr. Lee, I was escorting zhe new student to his first class," he said matter-of-factly. Mr. Lee looked at you and grumbled under his breath. "I guess you're excused,"he growled. In the corner of your eye, you could see a smirk slowly widening on the side of his mouth, knowing that he'd won the little argument.

You were lead to a seat next to Gilbert, him being by the window. Behind him was a tanned male with curly, chocolate brown locks and forest green eyes. The guy was quite appealing to look at, but you didn't want to stare. It'd be creepy and kinda awkward if he caught you staring. And besides, you only glanced at the guy. He tapped Gil's shoulder, making him turn to him.

"Where were you, amigo? Were you going to ditch again?"he asked.

"Of course I vas! But zhen I had to take (Ma/n) to class, so I guess I'll go to class."

"Your hermano isn't going to be happy about it when he heard you skip again."

"Ah, Vest can say vhat he vants. I'm zhe awesome big brother. My unawesome brother doesn't tell me vhat to do."

Gilbert sounded confident with his chest puffed out. The other male just hummed, sounding like he didn't really believe it. But he just went with it. His attention turned to the other male next to his albino friend. The (blonde/brunette/etc.) with the (e/c) eyes.


"Hola! What might your name be?"he asked, his thick Spanish accent sounding smooth.


And that's how your first class of English went. You befriending Gilbert and the Spanish boy, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. You guys chatted, talking about each other  (and you slipping around the fact that mentioned you're a girl) during the whole time. The two mentioned about their other friend named Francis Bonnefoy, all three of them making "The Bad Touch Trio". You thought of the nickname kinda funny, but when you guys got deeper into the conversation of talking about themselves, you also thought of it as fitting. Antonio also mentioned another friend of theirs named Lovino Vargas. They said he's got a mouth with colorful vocabulary and he's not afraid to shove them down someone's throat. But Antonio said he has his cute moments.

Guess English wasn't so bad as you thought after all...

- End of Chapter -

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