Chapt. 9

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- Axis -

You've just left your math period and it was lunch break. But you were immediately dragged down the halls by your new friends right when you stepped out that classroom door. They got you in a tight hold and were speed walking so you didn't really have the chance to wriggle your way out.

You could definitely feel eyes on you by all the other guys you passed by, knowing that you're an unfamiliar face. If they'd have known you had breasts and other lady parts, they'd be starting at you as if you're fresh meat like a pack of starving dogs. You complained for them to slow down, but they were too excited (mostly Antonio) to listen.

You ended up bumping into someone's hard chest. You let out a squeaky yelp as you grabbed ahold of the person in front of you, them holding you up. Luckily your embarrassed face was hidden from the world in whoever you supposedly bumped into. You heard laughing behind you.

"You sound like a girl, (Ma/n)," Gilbert 'kesese'd behind you. You internally rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, I wonder why,"you grumbled sarcastically. "Woah, dude. You should be careful and watch where you're going." You looked up to have (e/c) meet with baby blue. This guy was cute. Is this whole school filled with cute guys? Keep it in your pants, (Y/n).

You finally realized that you were in that same awkward position that you fell in. You quickly pushed yourself off and cleared your throat, pink tinted your cheeks. "Erm, yeah! Sorry, and thanks." You thought of how awkward you sounded, making you inwardly cringe. But the sandy blond haired male didn't seem to notice.

The male made a loud, obnoxious laugh. "Well, luckily the hero was here to catch you! Though I mostly expected a girl to fall into my arms, but considering how restrictive this school is, that's not going to happen. But you are close to looking like one, so that counts for something, right?"he pointed out.

Your eyebrow twitched. 'What's that supposed to even mean?' You asked yourself internally. "I don't know how I should respond to that.."you replied.

"So, you're the newbie! I'm Alfred F. Jones!" He shouted, making you flinch.

"(Ma/n) (L/n),"you responded, but more of an inside voice.

"Maybe I, the hero, can show you around,"he said excitedly.


You barely had the time to respond due to the duo behind you.

"No can do, mi amigo. We got first dibs. He's going to have lunch with us! And Lovi needs a new friend," Antonio said, deciding your fate for you.

"Oh, okay," Alfred said and then placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just be careful with Frenchie when you meet him, dude. He gets a little —actually a lot— handsy," he advised.

You raised a brow on the advice, questioning who this 'Frenchie' really is. "Handsy?" you repeated, sounding unsure.

Seeing your discomfort, Antonio patted your back, but not as rough as Alfred's. "Don't worry. He's harmless," he assured.

Alfred just hummed, showing a face with much disagreement. Before he could add anything, an impatient Gilbert cut in.

"C'mon, I'm hungry! Let's get some food!" He whined.

You guys said your goodbyes and went off.

Once you entered the cafeteria, you could barley see over the sea of testosterone. The area was spacious! Boys were rough-housing and shoving each other. Others were idly chatting with their normal groups at their tables, or just sat awkwardly alone. But other than that, it was also amazing of how the food there looks. It looked —even smelled better. Quite mouthwatering. This school had its perks.

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