Chapt. 12

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- One of the Jones -

Just how much of a dumbass were you? You knew that you're so stupid, that your IQ could match a rock's. Might as well name yourself Vargas Jones for the hell if it! You just signed yourself a death wish! All you had to do was get in, get a stupid spell book, and get out. But this Allen Jones couldn't be that bad, right? Maybe you are just worrying too much.

"Here we are, the cafeteria!" Oliver's words snapped you out of your thoughts and concentrated straight ahead. Your expectations for a decent cafeteria became even lower than it already was. The light bulbs gave off a very dim light and needed to be changed. The walls here also needed to be repainted because of how there is practically no paint left on it. Trash like crumpled paper and wrappers littered the floor. God, you never want to find out what the bathrooms would look like. You've already seen how disgusting people are in other public bathrooms. You never want to know how they are like here. You could feel nausea came over you like a wave for a moment.

Oliver noticed your disappointed look and gave you a smile. "It is very untidy, I know, but you will get used to it, sadly," he reassured, although seeming to have the same amount of disgust you hold.

You followed him to find empty seats. "So why hasn't the staff decided to clean up? EVERYWHERE?" You asked. Oliver gave a disappointed sigh. "It is because they are too busy paying for damages students cause. Especially my little troublemakers. We also borrow money for payments believe it or not."

The two of you finally sit down at a table in one corner of the room. You sat across fom Oliver and a man with messy shoulder-length blonde hair who had his head down. It took a few nudges from the sweet little Brit for the other man to get up and reveal a melancholic expression, sullen purple eyes, and a scruffy stubble. He didn't looked pleased to see you nor Oliver.

"What do you want?" The blonde asks in a grouchy tone. His voice was low, thick with a French accent. It seemed like this school is filled with people all around the world.

Oliver twined his fingers and gently placed his hands on the table. "François, I want you to meet Jason Jones. Jason, this is François Bonnefoy," he introduced. François' eyes seemed to slowly scan you, it almost seemed like he was suspicious or was just flat out judging you. Your skin felt hot and irritated.

You awkwardly tapped your fingers on the table. "I uhh, nice to meet you," you squeaked, your gaze not focusing on one spot.

Instead of a response, he just brushed you off and looked somewhere else. Rude.

For a few minutes, all of you just sat there in an uncomfortable silence. Oliver tried to give you a smile to lighten the mood, but you both knew that wasn't working very well. François just didn't give a shit. Oliver cleared his throat.

"So François, where are the boys? I haven't seen them," Oliver said with a wondering tone.

"They're not my responsibility," the Frenchman stated bluntly. Oliver sighed in disappointment resting his cheek in the palm of his hand. He was wondering if those two were getting into some kind of trouble again.

A thought pricked at the back of your mind. You remembered what you were here for! You couldn't just keep idling around. Knowing that François won't be any help to you, you turned to the reliable Oliver.

"Hey Oliver, I have a question." Oliver's head picked up, showing that some of his boredom was wearing away. "Do you possibly know who Vasile Lupei is?" You asked, tilting your head.

This time you actually got François to look at you. Oliver gave you an odd yet curious look. "Yes I do, why do you ask about him?" He questioned.

"I just heard his name from someone. Just wondering," you lied, rubbing your neck.

"If you're wonder what the connard looks like, he is over there," François pointed at a table where a red head with red eyes was fiddling with a thick book and fiddling with the pages. That could be the book you are looking for. Before you could go and take action, a large object slammed on the table. You thought your soul left your body for a moment. You whipped your head to the side to see a bat with rusted and new nails beaten into the battered wood. There were dark stains that was no doubt blood. You were terrified to find out that soon your blood will cover that bat.

Students are allowed to bring that to school!?! Your eyes shakily followed along the bat to a tan hand, up the beefy arm, and to a sexy yet dangerous face. He definitely wasn't wearing a uniform. Instead he had a white tank top and jeans that sat low on his hips. He had auburn hair with a cowlick sticking up in the front. Sunglasses were nestled in his hair. Ruby red eyes that show danger and confidence. A smirk stitched his face.

Close behind him was another male who also wasn't wearing a uniform. A red flannel with noticeable bandages wrapped tightly over his broad chest along with jeans. He had messy blonde hair put in a low ponytail. Sunglasses were perched on the bridge of his nose. A toothpick clenched between his teeth. Opposite from the other guy, he had a melancholic expression, just like a certain Frenchman. But that didn't make him any less intimidating.

Seriously, what is the point of making a uniform rule if no one is going to wear them? And where do they find these attractive people!?

The two sized you up. "Who are you?" The red head asked. Oliver gave a scoff a disapproval. "Allen Jones, get that thing off the table. That is not appropriate, especially when you meet new people," he scolded. He was so brave to just nag him like that! And did he just say Allen Jones!?

Allen rolled his eyes and begrudgingly pulled the bat from the table. The pinkette then clapped his hands together. "Now, time for introductions!" He gestured to the two males. "This is Allen Jones and Matthieu Williams," he chirped. Oliver then directed their attention towards you.

"And this is Jason Jones." You felt the pit of your stomachache ache in a bad feeling. If you could go back and change your second fake name, you would.

"Jones?" The two boys glanced at each other then eyed you down. That was seriously making you feel uncomfortable. What made it worse was that Allen leaned in close to you. Too close for comfort. It made you to try and lean away from this guy.

"So you say you are a Jones, huh?" He asked in a low tone. His alpha attitude is really crushing you in so many ways. "Y-Yeah," you managed to stutter out. You didn't like how he was eyeing you.


- End of Chapter -

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry that it took so long. I've been trying to come up with something for so long and I have all these classes to deal with. This was put off to the side for too long. Thank you so much for waiting. You finally meet the rest of the 2p! F.A.C.E. In the next chapter, it will get more interesting, do not worry. ;)

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