Chapt. 6

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- New Guy -

It has been a week since you took the exams for Hetalia High, and are still waiting for the results. You, along with the other students who took the exams, were told that if don't receive a note from the school within a week, you're not in. (Which worries you).

You boredly lean against the counter, your chin resting on the palm of your hand. You have nothing to do at the moment, so you just stand there.

Sherri is on the couch, examining her face on a small mirror from one of her makeup packs. Your father is boredly skipping through the channels on the TV with the remote. And Johnnie is just on his phone. Those two have been coming almost everyday now. It is annoying to you. You keep wondering how your father and Sherri got together. You always think that is was by force or something. She just mostly clings onto your dad, fixes herself up, act oblivious to almost everything, pester you about things you hate, or try to cuddle Jonathan or Pookie.

Yes, Pookie. That sad tiny, pink bouncing beanie baby excuse of a dog. You keep on almost stepping on that thing. It yaps alot. You sometimes can't help but feel bad since its hair is dyed and how much that thing is smothered by Sherri. That thing is a little devil to you. It ruined your favorite pair of (f/c) Vans! It also peed on one of your band hoodies. The thing growls at you if you get near. It also acts innocent in front of Sherri like it did nothing wrong! You want to throw that thing in the washer so bad, and just watch it spin in circles constantly. Don't get wrong, you love dogs. Just not this tiny demon.

Then there is Johnnie. Your other worse nightmare. He likes to strike every nerve he possibly can. He acts like a spoiled brat and is also rude to your dad (which annoys you). As much as you want to choke the life out of the kid, you couldn't. He always managed to slip off or go off to his mommy in the most innocent way. You tried to jump him one time, but your dad held you back from wringing your fingers around his throat.

So yeah, now they are officially apart of your life...Great.

Your father runs into the house, (you not remembering when he even got out), and makes a bee line up to you. You notice a package and an envelope attached to it. The packet had a somewhat familiar symbol stamped to the flap. You can see the excitement gleaming in your father's wide (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! This is from the school!"he announced.

Your once half-lidded, dull (e/c) eyes are now wide and filled with surprise. Your slump posture quickly straightens out. You pull the package away from your dad's hands across the counter and pick up the envelope. you rip it open on the top with a kitchen knife and pull out the folded piece of paper. Your slender, (s/c) finger flicks it up and your eyes scan the paper that has a very neat cursive hand writing. You read,

Mister (Ma/n) (L/n),

Out of the 1% of the people that have tried the exams, you have been accepted into Hetalia High. Your test scores were excellent and you had great reasoning to why you should join this prestigious school. You have been decided to be placed on the 1p side of campus. Please do keep yourself there. We politely thank you for your patience of waiting for your results. Your schedule will be given to you once you get in the main office. We expect you to do well throughout all your high school years you attend here. Welcome to Hetalia High.

Staff of Hetalia High

You thought it was 2% who got accepted. Did it drop down!? You were also not perfect on all subjects, so how was it that you got accepted out of the hundreds of people who attended? And what was the 1p thing all about? What was it supposed to mean anyway? You can't help but have a random thought about video games when you look at the word "1p". Pushing the thought in the back if your head, your eyes are drawn to the package. You pick up the slightly heavy package and tear it open.

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