Chapt. 3

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- Father & Daughter Reunion -

An: (N/n) - Nickname


With alot of convincing and some arguing with your mother, you were able to go live with your father. You had much to deal with, but you managed to get through it. Now it was time for the count down.

7-5 Days Left: You trying to get (M/n) to her senses and let you go leave across the country for your father.

4 Days Left: You packed many bags of what you needed to live with (F/n).

3 Days Left: You cleaned your room up and got rid of the things you didn't need. (Mostly the girly shoes and outfits your mother bought you).

2 Days Left: Went through a tough day with your mother, and (S/n) bugging you.

1 Day Left: Boring, lazy day...

Once it was time for you to head off to your flight. You were so pumped to leave this town and out in a new location. No mom, no dresses, no skirts, no makeup, and definitely no (S/n). What a relief that was to you. You can finally kiss that place goodbye!

You sling over your (f/c) backpack and pulled out your two packed suitcases. You roll your two bags to the front door, where your mother and sister awaited. (S/n) was mindlessly on her phone, obviously not caring if you leave or not. And your mother had her arms crossed and a disapproving look on her face. "I still don't like this,"she huffed stubbornly. "We've already discussed this. I'm going to see Dad since it's my decision, and you can't keep me from him. I need to go." You repeated for the second time today. "Thank God for that,"scoffed your sister, not taking her eyes from her phone. Your (e/c) eyes rolled. "I'll miss you too,"you said sarcastically.

"(F/n) is a bad influence on you. Look how you've turned out."(M/n) said, gesturing to you and your outfit. Your outfit consisted of (f/c) button up long sleeve, black vest, dark jeans, and your favorite shoes. Also add the beanie that rested perfectly on your head that said your favorite quote stitched on it. You are a tomboy, but a stylish tomboy. That's what you thought that made you awesome.

You get defensive over your father. "He was the one that influenced me of being myself! He was the one that supported me and didn't judge me for me."you argued, gesturing to yourself. Your mother gave you an unreadable look. You tilted your head slightly, your (h/c) bangs fall to the side. Your (e/c) hues shone with a little hurt. Did she even care. "What did you do?"you asked, your voice low. The question left your mother starstruck.

Before you could receive any answer, a horn honked from outside. You snapped out of it and looked out the door. A yellow taxi was waiting outside for you. You shook your head from negative thoughts and grabbed your bags. "I have to go,"you sighed. You walked outside and to the taxi. You put your bags in the trunk and get in the car. You told the driver your destination and you were off to the airport.


You strutted through the crowd of people who was on the same plane as you and cheered. You stretched out your arms to the ceiling, yawning in the process. Sitting in a plane for a whole five hours wasn't really your cup of tea. Yeah, you loved to laze around, but you preferred a sofa or bed. The ride was too boring for your taste. But on the bright side, you're free and ready to head to your new home.

You searched around the crowded airport to see of any signs of a familiar man you called, Dad. After minutes of roaming around and pushing through crowds, you heard a sign.


You whip around to your right, almost straining your neck muscles, and spot a familiar man who looked similar to you. He was waving around a big sign with your name written in bold and a picture of your face on it! Many people looked at the sign with odd looks. The people who saw the sign and saw you either snickered or just stared at you with confusion.

You couldn't help but feel flustered. Why was there a picture of your face on it too!? You slowly covered your face with your (s/c) hand as you felt your face get warm. But you also felt warmth in your chest from knowing how much work he did to get you here and all the time he took to make that sign for you. Your lips curved into a smile under your palm.

In between your fingers, you could see your father heading your direction. You have noticed how much older he got. His (h/c) hair, that matched yours, had some grey hairs forming on his hairline. Somewhat wrinkles are starting to form, but not much to make him look like a grandpa. His body figure still seemed built up though. He was getting older, but he still looked like he had energy like he was the age of 25.

Once he came up to you, he finally spoke to you. "Hey, (N/n)! Look how much you've grown up! I haven't seen you face to face like this for years! I would have visited, but your mother wouldn't give me the new address.."he ranted. Then, (F/n) paused for a moment. "Hey, you alright, (N/n)?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

Right when he asked that, you glomped him, your legs and arms wrapped around him like an excited child. The older male stumbled on his feet, stunned at the sudden action, a little and got his footing right. He placed a hand on your back and patted it. "I've never been so happy like this in forever,"you replied into his shoulder. (F/n) let a grin form on his face and he bear hugged you. You could feel a chuckle rumble in his chest.

"I missed you too, (Y/n)."

- End of Chapter -

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