Chapt. 8 *

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You walked down the hall and let out an annoyed sighed. You can't deny the fact that you were lost, and there's no one to help you since the halls of the 1p boys' side of this school is barren. Why can't there be at least one person straying out of class like they don't care if they're late or not? Guess you can't always get what you hope for...

You were supposed to find your first period, unfortunately it being english, but you didn't even have a clue on where to go. On the bright side, you weren't going to math early in the morning. That would have been quite a pain, wouldn't it?

You rounded the corner and stopped. It was somebody who you didn't think would even be in this city, let alone the exact same location as you.





"Author?"you asked, surprised. The said girl spread out her arms with a grin on her face as wide as her arms were out. Despite the dark bags under her eyes, those two orbs showed that she was wide awake. "Surprise!"she shouted. A frown came upon your face, squinting your (e/c) eyes. Where was she going with this? You had no idea, but you were frustraded.

You threw your arms down. "What the heck!? You're not supposed to be here! Youre supposed to update for the next chapter and all the lines I gotta say!"you retorted. The other individual in these empty halls waved you off casually. "Yeah, yeah, this is my April Fools to ya."she replied.

"April--" You cut yourself off, pinched the bridge of your nose and squeezed your eyes shut. You held out a (s/c) hand. "So you're telling me that this is a prank?"you asked in a exasperated tone. The author of this amazing story nodded and hummed in response. A heavy sigh escaped your mouth. You then threw your arms up in the air. "What the hell!? Why wasn't this an update!?"you demanded.

"Hey! You've just got a sneak peak of the next chapter! I could've just ignored you and never had updated at all! I was also busy, trying to think of ideas for future chapters, but I don't know what to do at the moment! I was gonna be nice and make up for it, but apparently you don't want my kindness,"Author snapped, making you shut up. "But since you don't want it, I'll just..." With her hands up and turning around, BataWolfe started to walk away from you. You immediately bolted to her and wrapped your arms around the girl's small frame. You almost knocked her over. "I'm sorry, I love you. And about that update~?"you said sweetly, smiling your best smile. Author puffed her cheeks. "That's what I thought,"she huffed.

She then looked at no one in particular. "Sorry guys, but stay tuned for more. Maybe you guys might have suggestions for future updates? Remember, this isn't just my story. It's about you too."she informed, gesturing to no one. A hand cupped the side of her mouth, as if shielding you from hearing top secret information. "Maybe you want something interesting to spark on between a knife-wielding Italian, or go to something as innocent as a soft spoken Canadian~,"she sang, wiggling her brows. You raised your eyebrows at the girl's strange act. "Who're you talking to?" You asked. You were starting to think that your author is mad as a hatter. Bata turns her head and smiled at you. "Oh, nobody,"she said innocently. You started to nag at her, shaking her shoulders. "Come on! What do you mean? And what was the last thing you said, anyway?"


April Fools, guys! I know, I'm a terrible person. I bet this is the hundredth update that told you April Fools, huh. You might hate me now.

 You might hate me now

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Here you go. Have some cuteness.

 Have some cuteness

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