♢|1|♢A Diamond!

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Starting a new book, there will probably not be any characters from social media in here, I'm trying something new for a change.

these characters will be based off of your own imagination, of how you will view the types of characters in this book!

Please Don't steal my shit i will know, but If you will like to use some of the ideas, let me know, and give credit where it's due.

Thanks for Listening or reading, w.e you wanna call it. Enjoy 😊☺

ps. I am not a bitch, im just keeping it 1000 ~ Lex, Aka Skullheaddd.


M i c h a (Miykah)

I strutted down the street, as usual looking for a good spot to ask for money, beaches always helped me earn money, from the drunk people just giving it away. I bit on my dirty nails, and scratch my flaky hair. I was trying to get an extra dollar, for some soap and a new pair of shoes, and maybe a warm shirt.

I was so tiring of, missing the free bed at the homeless shelter. I just gave up and proceeded with life at my own risk, trust and believe I didn't plan on living the homeless life, who can actual say they ever wanted to?

Sure as hell not me. I Phened for a place to stay, for warm steaming bathe water for this cold ice ass weather, it dawned on my that it was all my mother fault, with the help of my sister. why it's their fault, you may ask?

well my mother kicked me to the curve, when she was allegedly told I slept with her man, a night she was at work, one of the neighbors heard my sister and my mother man doing it.
which lead to false accusations of me being the whore , when I was vaguely homosexual.

Did, my mom take that into consideration? Nope she believed her favorite the one that was putting dirt on her name while she wasn't around. but I didn't care about her anymore, she didn't have the nerve to ask for my side of the story.

it hurted that, she thought I could betray my own mother ,my LGBTq squad, for her man, that is banging her , heterosexual daughter, she was to oblivious to see it though.

what's done in the dark , comes to the light.

The old folks will say. drowning in my thoughts I finally spotted a nice looking couple, standing in front of a club named "Wetness" I slowly made my way over to ask for a dollar.

D a ' s h a d

My nick name Is da'shad, but my momma named me de'shadra, "ra" drives me crazy so I had to take that stupid shit off, I'm a stud so I would not dare have that Fruit loop shit as a name.

Me and my girl Lucy, was standing in front of "wetness" waiting on my home boy, Stac' to show up, her name was Stacy but she took the 'y' off, I know we are disregarding our parents wishes, but who gives a fuck, they not the ones walking around being called some damn , De'shadra.

"Babe, how this lipstick fit my skin tone?" Lucy agged.

"It look great babe!" My eyes focused on a homeless person walking our way, this person looked like they have been thru it, like really really thru it, and the God in me want to make it were there's no homeless person ever, but I'm only one human, while majority of the rest , could careless about people who once lived, stable lives but then shattered financially, and emotionally.

people who picked at homeless people, disgusted me, it ached my heart because I was once homeless and someone put me up on my feet, funny thing Is we lost contact once, I started seeing Lucy ,it's like Lucy made my life better but damaged it in a oblivious way.

"Excuse Me, do you have a dollar im trying to buy soap?" The person asked looking down at the ground while Lucy showed nothing but hatred towards a person she didn't even know.

As a reflex, I reached in my pocket and gave her a crispy twenty dollar bill."no, this is to much, I just need a dollar!" the person pleaded. I'm stubborn as hell An Ian taking it back.

"you, look like you need more than that-" I nudged Lucy arm, amplifying that she needed be nicer.

"you good , keep that!" I said giving her a warm smile.

"oh, this what we do now, give pathetic bitches, our hard earned money?" Lucy Snapped.

it took everything in me not to snap her neck."Thank you so much God bless you!" and she scattered away.
I didn't even wanna look at Lucy, wanna be royal diamond ass , she was doing to much for one, if that was her she wouldn't want anyone treating her like that.

Her silver spoon ass wouldn't like that not one bit.


Any thoughts ON the new book?

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S/O to @princess_Camii ❤

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