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How could bend a broken heart ?

- MzMorgan.❤

No Message For The Day.



Why Did I let max sleep over? well because she is my cousin, and we use to be tight, and I didn't like how she kept so many secrets from me, but we are slowly becoming back to how we use too, Stacy Is my bestfriend, but I will still kick her ass if she try to push up on Micha, the truth is out now, I have feelings for micha, but I just want to take things slowly, you know give her time to adjust, im moving out of this big ass house, in like a month or so, it's too big for one person you know, since this house is big it make people think, I want them staying here.

And that's not the case at all, Ion need people thinking I'm lonely in this big ass house, it just draw too much attention to it.

when I use to have fems, running in and out of my house they often stole or tried to get married because we'll im loaded.

I was flattered and shocked that Micha wanted to leave. Well not really she isn't a gold digger. because I had to beg her to stay, I don't know if it's destiny or what but I just had this feeling not to let her get away again.

All those times she don' left me standing somewhere looking dumb, or just how she left me at the restaurant, it hurted honestly I didn't know how to think , or was it me who made her leave?

She use to find any excuse to leave, im not letting her leave me this time, no I will not kidnap her, I'll just give her love and hope that will make her stay.

I know i just met her and all but I need her. she keeps my mind going.

She Tossed as she slept. It was two hours after we went to sleep. I couldn't sleep because my thoughts was flooded. She Moaned and cried in her sleep, i wanted to wake her up but I had to see how this was going to play out.

"Please....stop....im...sorry.....i...wasn't. ......going...to........leave....stop...please...stop....im sorry..."

She cried, literally but I couldn't bring myself to wake her up, I didn't want to have to make her relive the situation because I know my nosey ass, im going to ask questions.

Morning came and she kept tossing and moaning, not the sexual moaning the crying for help one. she Finally stopped her trauma.

I played with her short curles, and studied her face, it was carmel, sun kissed actually. but she was more on the darker side, but her scars was visible. I really wonder how she got that neck mark. how the fuck do you hit your neck?

I'm not dumb at all, I'll just give her time to tell me everything.

"Why are you starring at me weirdo?" Micha joked.

"because your beautiful." I wasn't lying either, she was black as night, but beautiful as day. she was a true African queen, but still, I couldn't stomach the thought of her getting hurt.

"Whats wrong?" she asked frantically.

"Nothing..how did you sleep?"

She played with the covers " like a baby." she smiled slightly. liar.

"Why you always lying to me?" I asked getting anger.

"please don't get mad at me , I just can't tell you things yet!" she sighed.

"you don't trust me?" that have to be the case right?


"Whatever never mind!" I said getting out of the bed and slamming the bathroom door. why people don't trust me. do I look like a serial killer or some shit?

do I look like I'm a news cast person ?
I didn't think so. I bet it's because she don't trust me, I haven't done anything to make her not trust me.

"Please..Shad!" she begged on the outside of the door. I ignored her.


M i c h a

I left her alone, just to give her some space. it was probably or at least five in the morning.

I stumbled to my guest room lightly, I clasped on the bed, breathing in and out, I was stressing, because I was scared I will run Shad away from me.

I felt someone yank me up " if I hear a peep out of you, your dead you here me!" Max shouted lowly and roughly in my ear.

She choked me, choking me was her favorite. then I received a punch in the stomach, I yelped for help. but not loud enough where anyone else could here me.

"Pleas..(cough).." I tried to get out, as she punched me in the nose this time leaving me to tumble to the ground.

I cried as she kicked me in the stomach, why do I let her do this to me, well because , I don't want to tell anyone yet. I did something really bad , im surprised she haven't killed me yet.


Excuse All Mistakes Please

I wanna thank all of you for reading, voting, and commenting, ❤ it means so much and it makes me happy😍. I love you all God bless you all.😥☺😊😏😇 I'm not good with squishy moments but I tried. 😒 😟 I really meant what I said 😩😶

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