Chapter 20 - "You're Just A Daydream Away"

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I can't have feelings for Jack, he's my best friend. Plus I'm with Stella and I can't do that to her, I still love her and I'm pretty sure she loves me; or so she claims.

I'm not sure that I even like guys, I'm just going on how I feel about Jack. I never been with another boy before nor have I ever been attracted to one; well that's until I saw Jack naked. I even got a boner after so I must like boys, I don't know.

I just know that I don't want to hurt Jack later on if I find out that I don't really like guys. It could just be a phase and I couldn't put Jack through that. I mean after what happened with Hayley and all, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt him.

I don't want to hurt Stella either, I mean she's always been there for me, well most of the time. But just like tonight she was here for me and she didn't even ask questions or anything, she just held me, I mean she obviously did more than just hold me, but she was there for me. I don't know I just don't want to hurt them, I love them both.

I don't want to choose between Jack and Stella but I know I'll have to. So either way I'm going to hurt one of them. I should just put my feelings for Jack away for now, just until I figure out what I want. He might not even feel the same way, so why rush just to get my heart crushed? (Lol that rhymed)

The light from Stella's phone interrupted my thoughts, bringing me back to what I was doing. I looked at the screen, '8 new text messages and 5 missed calls' I clicked on the messages.

'Where are you? You just bailed on me :/' - from Tay

'Did u find Alex yet? Cam said he was here.' - from Tay

'I'm guessing u found Alex cos you're not texting me back lol have fun ;)' - from Tay

'Where are you babe? I miss you :-(' - from Jake

'Thought we were gonna hang tonight??' - from Jake

'I'm looking for you but I can't find you' - from Jake

'You're with him, aren't you?' - from Jake

'I know you are. I can't believe you! You said you were done with him?!' - from Jake

I pressed the lock button, the screen went black. I sat it down in front of me, I just stared at it. I didn't know what to think, I was shocked and hurt. It felt like someone just ripped my heart out of my chest, I couldn't breathe. I tried breathing only to sob before bursting out into tears. I feel so angry. I knew I was going to see something that I shouldn't have. Fuck.

I'm starting to regret the fact that I didn't just break it off with her when I was going to. I mean she was basically just leading me on this whole time, she never cared about me, she never loved me, it was all an act, 'cause you don't do that to someone you love.

Fuck, I'm so stupid. I should've known something was going on between them. This whole time I knew but I didn't have any evidence to prove anything was going on so I just kept my mouth shut; I didn't want to be the annoying-jealous boyfriend.

Or maybe I just didn't care anymore, maybe I wanted him to take her from me? Maybe this is what I wanted all along, but if that was the case then why does it hurt so much?

Jack's P.O.V.

"Thanks again for the ride Jen," I said as Jenny pulled into my parents driveway.

"No problem," She smiled.

She parked right next to my dad's car, I opened the door as soon as she stopped, I just didn't want her to have the chance to ask me if I was okay, cause then, I'd have to lie.

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