Chapter 25 - Hold Onto Me

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Hold onto me,

Don't you ever leave

I know I've got my problems and it's probably me,

So hold onto me ~

Alex's POV

What just happened?

I couldn't believe what I just witnessed; has Jack finally had enough of my bullshit? Did I just lose my best friend?

The answers to those questions were becoming all too real and the heart aching feeling that had came along with it just confirmed the reality of it all.

It just couldn't be, I'm in denial but at the same time I knew it was all my fault. I had really fucked up this time, didn't it?

This is easily fixable though, or so I'd like to believe. I'm probably wrong as always, but I can and will try to make things better.

For who exactly, mostly for me to be honest. As selfish as it may sound, I just can't seem to live without him, even if I tried I couldn't. I actually need that beautiful bitch in my life because when it comes down to it, he's the only one who truly understands me.

As a friend or as a lover, it honestly doesn't matter to me at this point anymore, as long as I have him in my life I know everything will be okay.

I stood up from my seat and pulled out my wallet to grab out a couple of faded, slightly wrinkled one dollar bills and put them down onto the table before me, as a nice tip for the exceptional service I'd had received here, then hurried out the door.

Outside, I was freezing and was desperately hoping that Jack hadn't already left as I wondered anxiously around the parking lot in attempt to find his car.

Moments later, I spotted the black surprisingly clean BMW at the end of the lot. I stopped to take a breath and to quickly gather myself before continuing to walk towards the vehicle.

Jack noticed me coming towards him from out the window and got out of his car, a confused expression over taking his features as he stood there nervously.

"Alex?" He said almost surprised.

I then practically threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around his skinny frame, burying my face into his shoulder as I did so.

I smiled in appreciation

when Jack instantly hugged me back, he didn't even hesitate which had my heart melting inside my chest.

I held the raven-haired boy firmly in fear of him slipping from my arms once again.

I was beyond happy right now, safe and secure in the arms of my best friend, finally after what had seemed like forever. I don't know what had come over me or why but I begun to cry out of nowhere. Maybe out of happiness? It had to be because I don't feel anything else but that right now. Tears of joy.

"What I said earlier..." I spoke in his shoulder. Jack tried to gently pull me away, probably to look me in the face but I kept myself glued to him like a baby spider monkey.

"I lied. I'm not fine," I admitted and Jack wrapped his arms back around me.

"You're not alone. Neither am I," Jack whispered holding me tighter and at that very moment I knew I truly couldn't live without him.

Quick shout out to _LucyGaskarth and Music_junkie13 bc they're just awesome!! <3

Hold Onto Me by Mayday Parade

- Anita xx

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