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Okay, so you obviously read the title of this chapter and you're like, "What???" 

But, I promise you it's really cool. 

P.O.W.E.R. are the 5 steps to getting someone to church or to a Christian school gathering. We're trying to follow these in our school, which is not a 'Christian' school, by the way. We try to get people to come to our Christian meetings every Tuesday and we try to use P.O.W.E.R.  

P.O.W.E.R. stands for:

Pray - pray for God to give you a person to take to church with you. It can be someone from your class or a friend, it doesn't really matter. 

Opportunity - Wait for the right opportunity to approach the person. God will show you in his own good time. 

Walk - Walk it out. If your group is gossiping, walk away. If your group is making fun of God, walk away. It doesn't matter what the consequences are -- walk away. The person you've invited to church needs to see that you practice what you preach and Christianity preaches against gossip, etc. So walk away. 

Encourage - Encourage the person. One small smile can brighten someone's day. The person you've invited could be having a really rotten day and you smile at them or ask them how they're doing, and that could give them a spark of hope. Encourage, encourage, encourage. 

Repeat - Repeat the process, but with someone different. 

I know that I want to get all of my friends who aren't saved to church, but it takes time. And along the journey, you will get rejected. If you don't, then that's cool too. You don't need to be rejected to be able to do this right. 

Just talk to people, encourage them and ask how they're doing. 

I know sometimes talking to people you don't know or talking to someone you're not really familiar with can be a challenge. I know all about being scared to talk to people, but you can get through it. Whenever one of my unsaved friends are talking to me, one of the only things on my mind -- is that if I don't do something, or my Christian group of friends and I don't do something, he/she is going to hell and there's nothing that person can do about it. 

There is nothing you can DO to get to heaven, you have to believe

On that note, I'm going to love and leave you. 

Thanks for reading and voting! 

P.S. I love y'all. Thanks for everything and you're all very special to me, even if you've never actually spoken to me before. I'm always available to talk or to answer your questions. Please ask if you have anything on your mind. 

Love, Megan. 


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