"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not awaken or arouse love until it so desires."
- Song of Songs 2:7/3:3/8:4
I decided to write a devotion on Song of Songs. This verse does refer mostly to girls, but you boys should also take this into consideration.
I finished reading Song of Songs last night and I noticed something. The verse above repeats 3 times. What I've planned to do is have two parts on this study:
Part 1: The verse itself and what it means.
Part 2: Your first love, and how do go about it.
Now, let's get down to it, shall we?
"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not awaken or arouse love until it so desires."
- Song of Songs 2:7/3:3/8:4
So, what do they mean by that? I find it pretty obvious, and you probably do too.
Don't try to find love, let it find you when the time is right.
Don't pursue the idea of the NOW. We have all become so impatient and we don't wait for God's perfect timing, because we're so caught up in getting everything we want right away. Let God write your love story, and let Him write it the way He knows is best for you.
This generation has the misfortune to be growing up in this society. The kinds of trends that are sent out there, sending teenagers into desperation to try and achieve all these unrealistic goals. One of the worst ones are the 'relationship goals' trends. You scroll down Pinterest or Instagram or Twitter and they come one after one after one. Thirteen year olds see that and want it. They're influenced, and want to fit in. This may not be the case for every single person, but it is the majority of them that end up with a long line of ex's.
Because these goals are so cute and fascinating, teens want so desperately have it so they don't feel left out or like they're missing out on something. We've all felt it before, no matter the age. I have, you have. I mean, some of them are just so cute, right? But, we can't let them make us desperate for such affection. We can't let ourselves feel like we're incomplete without that significant other.
Another person can't fulfill you, only God can do that.
"Do not awaken or arouse love until it so desires."
Wait, that's all you need to do.
God repeats this three times to stress the urgency of it. God knows what's best for you, and He wants to take care of you. He cares about your heart. He doesn't want to see you heartbroken over that girl/boy that used you. He wants you to be patient while He prepares the right person for you.
I never had a father who cared about my feelings or my heart for that matter, so when I read this verse, I saw that God was my real father and that I need to listen to His advice because He knows best. When I read this verse for the third time, I felt like I was sitting across from God, sipping tea and reading our favorite book. I felt like I could reach out and touch His hand.
So, when you see those relationship goals and wish you had a girlfriend/boyfriend, remember this verse. When you see that girl/guy that you've had feelings for, for such a long time, remember this verse. No, you can't control your feelings, but you can control your actions and your thoughts.
This verse is also one of those sweet 'n simple ones that you can remember easily, and it's an important one. In part 2, I'll go into more detail about your first love and the way God wants us to handle it.
Thanks for Reading and God Bless.
GOD Why?
EspiritualWhy does GOD allow us to suffer if He loves us? Why did God let this happen to me, I thought He cared for me? How can God be so great and not save me from this? I have asked myself these questions for most of my life. I have learned the hard way, bu...