Chapter 21

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(A.N this is going to be a short chapter)

Samantha's POV

I woke up to my mom telling Maddie and I to get up and get dressed since we are leaving in an hour. I get up take a shower, and changed into a black pair of leggings with a black tang top and white v-neck. By the time I'm done getting dress and packed Maddie was out of the shower and dressed. I help Maddie pack then text the boys telling them to met us at the airport they said they were already there because they are flying out today to. We all loaded up in the uber and went to the airport at the airport we meet up with Noah and Joey. We walked for a little bit before they called our flight.

"We forgot to tell you guys but we are flying with you guys to L.A I hope y'all don't mind." Noah said smiling.

"Babe your kidding right?" Maddie said freaking out.

"Nope now let's go before we miss our flight." Joey said grabbing my hand.

When we got on our plane it turned out Noah and Joey were sitting right behind us. Since Noah wanted to sit by Maddie and I wanted a window seat we switched seats. For the first couple of hours of the plane ride Joey and I talked and flirted a bit, took a couple of pictures. Joey ended up falling asleep on my lap while I was reading so I had Maddie take a picture
(Pic below)

 Joey ended up falling asleep on my lap while I was reading so I had Maddie take a picture(Pic below)

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I posted it on Instagram with the caption: I'm having a peaceful plane ride to L.A. since he fell asleep on me ❤. I then tagged him in it, locked my phone and finished reading my book.

By the time I was done reading my book Joey was up and we were about to land. As we landed I grabbed Joeys hand because I hate when planes land or take off it scares me. Like I don't have a problem when they are in the air just when they land or take off. After we land and get off the plane my mom, dad, Maddie,Noah and Joey waited for their other planes. Your probably wondering where are they going well my mom, dad, and Maddie are going back to Florida and Joey and Noah are going back to North Carolina while I stay in L.A. for a couple of days with Cam, Blake, Bre Ariel, and Joey Birlem well mostly Cam and Joey since Ariel is leaving to go back home and Blake and Bre are going home to Texas. But its cool I love the both Joey and Cam. As I waited for Cam and everyone to come pick me up and for everyone's plane to leave Joey and I talked.

"So Sam I was thinking and since we had amazing time in Hawaii together. I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" Joey said smiling.

"Joey I would love too... But I can't and don't get me wrong it was nice to hangout with you and just be free, worry less, and forget about everything. But the whole time I was with you I kept thinking about Hunter. I'm sorry I lead you on but Joey I still love Hunter and I think I always will love him. And its only been 4 weeks since me and him broke up and I can't move on yet." I said looking at the ground.

"You mean you don't want to move on yet. Sam I like you I really do." He said looking at me.

"I know you do but Joey. I love Hunter and I would do anything to have him with me right now. But I'm sorry Joey." I said before his plane got called and he left.

While waiting for my mom, dad, and Maddies plane to arrive I told Maddie everything and Cam showed up. I hugged my parents and Maddie goodbye then left with Cam. In the car I saw Blake, Joey, Bre and Ariel. I hugged Bre and Ariel first then the boys. When we got go Cams apartment I changed into a blue and white baseball shirt with a pair of jean shorts. I then posted a picture of me with everyone on Snapchat  saying I made it safely to L.A.

Hunters POV

I just got to California and Sam just landed she's with Cam right now. I'm so excited to see her. I texted Blake asking what he was up to he said they were walking on the beach. I told my mom to drive to the beach that they were at so I could talk to Sam. When we got to the beach I see Sam with Cam and everyone taking pictures.

Samantha's POV

I was taking pictures with everyone when I saw Hunter.

(A.N. I forgot to update yesterday.)

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