Chapter 35

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Samanthas POV.

I have a huge test today and all I can think about is last night and I really need to past this test or I will fail my class.

"Oh look it's Samantha Wilson the once famous fangirl that everyone loves. What are you doing here?" I turn around to see my ex James.

"I'm here to finish so I can get the hell out of this town and go to college. Unlike some people." I say opening my locker.

"Baby we all know you had your chance to leave this hell hole. But you didn't want to take it and that's no our fault it's yours." He said putting his hand around my waist.

"You think I don't know this, James, but come on we all knew I wasn't meant to be famous. Now if you will excuse me I need to get to class." I said taking my books out of my locker.

"You're gonna sit me at lunch right beautiful?" James said with a grin on his face.

"After everything you have done to me. I would never in a million years." I said walking away.

Today has been horrible. I just want to go home and sleep. But that's not gonna happen because Hunter texted saying he's coming over to "talk" To be honest I'm done talking. I just want everything be the way they were before Damon died is that to much to ask for?? As soon as I said that I heard the door bell ring. I get up off the couch and walk to the door. Right when I opened I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. I knew the muscular arms felt familiar as soon as I felt hit  my waist... but it couldn't be Damon.

"Samantha I'm sorry. I know life has been hard without me but I'm back now and I'm not leaving... I love you butthead." I hear a voice that I haven't hear in so long that voice happened to be my brother Damon.

"Damon?? Oh my God what are you doing here??? Wait how are you here you died almost a year ago??" I said backing up and seeing Damon.

"Sam... I need to talk to you."

"Damon!!!!!!!" I yell as I felt someone shacking me.

"Sammie wake up." I open my eyes to see Hector.

"You fainted as soon as You opened the door are you okay??" He said helping me up.

"Yeah I'm fine I just thought you were someone else." I said walking to the kitchen to get a drink.

"You were thinking of Damon weren't you?" I hear as I take two waters out of the fridge.

"This time was different. I felt him he was right there by the door. It was like he was real."

"Sam, I know it's hard with his 18th birthday coming up and his anniversary but have you even went to his grave since they buried him that day?" Hector says as I give him his water.

"I can't. I have tried I get about half way there than turn around or I'm either so busy with school and social media. I really miss him Hector. I wish he was here." I say with tears in my eyes.

Hector puts down his water and walks over to me. We stand there for 5 minutes hugging. Hector is like a second brother to me. I just wish Damon was here.

"Sammi I don't know if your mom and David have told you this yet but they sent me over to clean out Damons room." Hectors says as we hug.

"Why would they do that? They know what his room means to me it's the only thing that makes me feel likes here beside my necklace. Hector please don't clean out his room. Please." I said as I hear the front door open.

I see my mom and David walk in. Why do they want to clean out his room? I know they know that room meant everything to Damn and I. Without saying a word to them I go up stairs to Damons room. I sit on his bed it looks exactly how he left it that night. I'm the only one that has been in his room since that night. It kills me to know that mom wants to clean it out. I lay on the bed until I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say.

"Samantha???" I hear Hunters voice.

"What do you want?"

"I told you I was coming over to talk but I guess you don't want to do So I got you this." He holds out a rose.

"Thank you. It's beautiful." I say taking the rose.

We sit there on Damons bed and talk about what has happened in the past couple of months. After about 3 hours we go downstairs and help cook dinner and eat. I didn't say two words to Hector, David,  or my mom. I just ate my food and texted Hunter.

"We are sorry we didn't tell you Sam. We were going too I promise just when the time was right." David said looking at me.

I just looked at him. Then got up from the table. Hunter followed me outside to the swing. We both sit down he didn't say anything he just sat there.

"I'm moving to L.A. with Zach." I. Say after 20 minutes of not talking.

"Why? Your family is here and school is here. Damon is here. I'm here." Hunter looking at the ground.

"I want a break from everyone plus Zach and I have been planning on moving in together since we became friends. I'm taking all of Damons things with me since they are cleaning out his room." I said looking at the ground.

"I moved here you Sam. And now you're leaving me?" Hunter says getting up.

"I'm sorry Hunter but this is what I want." I say looking up at him.

"Than I guess this is goodbye than?"

"Don't say it like that we will see each other when I'm in town and you're in L.A. I promise." I said standing up and walking over to him.

"Whatever I'm done trying with you Samantha. All you ever think about is yourself. I thought you quitting social media and going back to school is what you wanted to do but I guess you did it for followers because you only went back from a couple of days and now you're moving to L.A. What is with you?? Where is the Sam I met back in Boston and the Sam I met back at Vidcon what happened to her? That's the Sam I fell in love with. Not this one." I hear him say before he walks away.

Great. Another thing I just fucked up. What is wrong with me? I'm just trying to be happy.

(A.N. I haven't updated in forever but I'm trying to post again. And I know this chapter probably makes no since bc I have been writing it for months and I just finished it at 3 am so please don't kill me if it sucks bc I know😔)

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