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song I recommend for this chapter: Half The World Away by Oasis (remastered) 

Three months later


I walk down the busy New York street, my hair flowing in the breeze and my coat also being blown back slightly as I try to get to my office building as soon as possible.

"Violet, hey, you alright?" A voice asks, I turn to see Sophie standing, smiling at me.

"I'm super late." I breathlessly reply, running in to the lift.

She swiftly follows and laughs at my tired state, "you look like you're dying."

"Thanks Sophie, you look nice today, too." I sarcastically reply.

"You're not even that late and you also remember that you're kinda the boss of this whole thing?" Sophie chuckles.

"Yeah, but-oh, shut up Sophie." I laugh.

"You're mean in the morning, did you know that?" She clicks her tongue.

I give her a look and she laughs, as the doors open and we walk in to the huge office space.

Nine hours later and it's half eight, most people have left and it's just me left in the room, drawing and sketching and planning. My phone rings and I slip it out of my pocket and answer it, not checking who's calling.

"Hello?" I say, concentrating more on my drawing than the phone call.

"Rachel!" A voice shouts down the phone, laughter, however, being clear in their voice.

"Uh, who is this?" I ask, not being able to tell who the voice is.

"Shhh, the guys will hear us." A voice giggles, not answering my question.

"Uh, hello?" I say.

"Simon, oh my God!" A voice says, excitedly. 

"Oh wow." I whisper.

I stay on the line for about twenty seconds and just hear moans and the sound of a bed creaking before I hang up and place my phone on the table.

He's moved on. 

"He butt-dialled you?" Sophie gasps, sitting across from me as I eat a tub of ice cream.

"Yeah." I say through a mouthful of cookie dough.

"What a prick." She mutters.

"I mean, I technically did say he could move on." I shrug.

"Yeah, but he obviously doesn't give a fuck, how fucking selfish." She shakes her head, her American accent strong.

"Soph, he has a life to live and-" Sophie stops me.

"And he loves you, but he fucked some other girl, that's not okay in my book." 

"I know, Soph." I nod, eating more ice cream and sinking further in to my sofa.


I wake up the sound of knocking on my door. I roll over in my bed and peel open my eyes, to see the sun peeping in under my blinds. 

"What?" I groggily shout, rubbing my eyes as I hear my door open.

"Simon?" A voice asks, I open my eyes to see Harry there.

"Harry? What do you want?" I question, rolling back over.

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