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With each day that went by, you felt ever more drained. School works, projects, exam dates were piling up, and while slowly you were completing your assignments you were still behind. The failure was evident in your academic scores. Your college professors weren't exactly charitable with extensions or make-ups either, so you had no choice but to accept the grade and pray to do better.

The emotional strain your stalker was causing was finally affecting your body because these last few nights you would be so exhausted that you would just pass out. One moment you were making an effort to study and the very next you would fade into darkness. It was becoming increasingly challenging to get out of bed each morning. Even when the sun raised you slept through your alarm (which you made sure was working properly), waking up an hour after and you were frequently late for your first class. Again, you assumed it had to be associated with the trauma and constant anxiety. However, it did not explain the memory gaps...or the morning headaches. And when you slept you hardly dreamt anymore. Really, it was strange.

You gingerly massaged your throbbing temple as you dragged your feet across the pavement. The warm rays of sunlight that use to bring you joy with the start of a new day now only made you squint with mild irritation. The sun did nothing to alleviate the pounding in your head.

The buzz of your cell went off, and your stomach churned with nausea. The fear that was building dwindled when instead of the ominous UNKNOWN it was a text from Izaya.

If there was any solace that could be had in this nightmare, it was that the informant broker was on the trail. Though you wished he would hurry in his search. Your patience was wearing thin. Every time you asked him for any updates he would smirk and tantalize you. Occasionally, when he wasn't able to make a trip to Ikebukuro you two would speak over the phone or text. Despite the fact he did give insight into the mind of your stalker, he seemed far more interested in wheedling his way into your own head and feelings. One could read into as flirting, and that made your heart flutter. Nonetheless, you wouldn't humiliate yourself by misinterpreting the signals.

From: Izaya Orihara

Be sure to call me when you get out of school. :)

Hopefully, he had some good news today.

Your ears perked up at a thunderous rumble coming from behind you. A rush of wind hits as a black figure zooms pass you, along with another boom of a motorcycle. What was perplexing was that the engine roar was mixed with another sound. Like the neigh of a horse. You didn't know much about motorcycles, but you had been around horses for a good majority of your life to know the sound well.

Your eyelids that were drooped heavily with fatigue widen upon realization. Was that the Black Rider? You had heard the stories from your classmates about the Rider, whom rode around the city, working in the shadows and supposedly had no head.

What was this living urban legend doing up and about in the morning? You became especially flummoxed when it actually stopped at a red light.


Ever curious and excited, you approached the rider with cautious steps. The reverberation of the engine grew louder as you drew closer. It was clad in a black jumpsuit; connected with its shoulders was a yellow and blue helmet with cat ears on top. You blinked in fascination.

'So under that helmet is...?'

The head – or rather helmet suddenly turned, peering in your direction. Shocked and embarrassed that it was cognizant of your nosy presence you immediately tried to bolt in the opposite direction. Alas, your body still had yet to recover any energy and the hasty action caused you to trip over your own feet. You managed to land on your hands and knees, but your belongings fell out of your backpack and littered the sidewalk. Ignoring the painful sting, you quickly, albeit clumsily grabbed as many of your items as you could before jumping to your feet and scurrying away.

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now