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You are trapped underneath the beast.

A thin trail of blood is trickling out from the laceration and you are desperately wishing you could just wake up from this nightmare. Alas, Izaya's cold hands are skimming down your curves, relighting the dreadful panic that eroded your entire being and it is the horrid sensation that reminds you that this is very much your reality.


Uttering his name leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. It's a name you had once thought fondly of, a name of someone you had cared for.

"You...don't h-have to d-do this..." you whisper, attempting to beseech him to rationality and the informant blinks curiously at the notion. "You c-can let me go. I-I won't tell a-anyone about this..."

You realize it is useless to compromise with him. Izaya Orihara was a monster - a gluttonous one at that. A monster driven by hunger could not be swayed with reason. Nevertheless, your own desire to be free and untouched was prodigiously fierce. Though the flame of hope had been blown out the moment you had awoken, you would endeavor to light it again; even if it meant resorting to such a degrading method.

The plea obviously falls on deaf ears because the smirk on his lips expands in size, his eyes widening sinisterly. "[Name]-chan ~..."

"Please!" you beg, thrusting your head forward in frantic desperation. "I w-won't say anything! J-Just let me go!"

"[Name]-channn," He coos again, tracing the carvings on your abdomen with the tip of the blade. "I went through a fair amount of trouble for you and letting you go would be a little nonsensical on my part. What's more," The blade graces your hip, and Izaya's tongue sprang forth, swiping provocatively over his lips. "I don't like the idea of having to share you with the world again ~."

Request for freedom brusquely abjured, your emotions swirl in chaotic frenzy.

"Get...OFF ME!" you scream, trying to toss him off your bound and helpless form, hissing as the air stings your reopened wound.

"What did I say about yelling at me?" Red orbs narrow menacingly as the point of the blade jabs your side, causing you to shriek. "It's rather rude you know ~. I would have thought your hick parents taught you better than that."

You glare spitefully at him, wriggling more vigorously than before, uncaring to the ropes biting at your skin. Your screams are shrill and angry, exhibiting your deliberate insubordination. He isn't amused.

"Maybe I should get in touch with them and ask?" Instantly, the screams die in your throat, struggles cease, and the arrogant smirk on face is wolfish. "Is that what I have to do~?"

The lump that has taken root in your esophagus bobbles, a symptom to the imminent sobs. "L-Leave them out of this!" You pathetically implore, wholly ashamed that you have been reduced to begging someone as despicable as him. "Don't h-hurt them..."

"I really don't want to hurt your parents [Name]-chan," he declares with an owlish tilt of the head. "But that will entirely depend on you, won't it?"

You had no choice but to assent to his will.

As expected, the despairing tears spout. There is no prayer you can say and there is no hope you can cling to. All you had was the grueling pragmatic fear that foretold your doom.

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now