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Slowly, your eyelids fluttered open. There was no blur; you still remained shrouded in darkness as your lids hit cloth. Confounded, you make a move to get rid of the obstruction only for your arms to meet resistance. It is then you become aware that your wrists are bound above your head, tied by coarse rope that pinches when you tug. Fully panicked, you attempt to scream for help, but the sound is muffled by a gag; correction- gags. A small cloth had been balled and shoved into your mouth. Another cloth –a sizable one- was tied around your mouth, securing the other gag and your lips are forced to be parted. Flashes begin to strike in your memory; Izaya's uncovered deceit, the frightening warped game of hide and seek, and his thin hands mercilessly squeezing your throat. He forced you into unconsciousness and now...

He had you.

Despite the soreness of your bruised vocal chords, you screamed. It was pointless, but you screamed anyway. While fear was certainly present in the muffled pitch, the anguish was far more evident. The agony, helplessness, and sorrow completely drowned your shattered spirit, inducing an unbearable pain that nearly rivaled any physical affliction – including the wounds on your abdomen - you have experienced. Tears dampen the blindfold over your eyes. You felt so...stupid. Horribly stupid. The very person you had put all your trust and belief in, the very person you had repeatedly sought comfort in was your tormentor the whole time. What was worse is that the signs were there in plain sight. Even Shizuo had tried to warn you about Izaya Orihara's true iniquity, but you had been too blind and too stupid to see the wolf in sheep's clothing. Or perhaps you ignorantly denied this truth because you honestly believed Izaya was your friend. That and you never would have suspected the person you approached for help was the person stalking you. The cruel irony could not be missed.

Silk interrupts your wailing.

"Still making such a fuss~."

It appears the informant was there the entire time. Of course he was. He had been eagerly waiting for you to wake up.

Upon hearing his sickening voice, your heart plummets into the pit that is your stomach. Fear intensifies as you struggle violently, trying your hardest to get away from his malevolent presence. Such attempts are met with painful nips at the skin of your wrists. You whimper, muffling the word "no", over and over.

"Ne, [Name]-chan, calm down...." He advises smoothly, and you shudder severely as the voice is ever closer to your ear. "I don't want you to hurt yourself~."


Something soft – his lips – comes to rest on your bare shoulder. He gently kisses the spot, slowly trailing up the appendage that is your arm, taking delight in your own softness. Immediately, as much as you possibly could, you wrench away from the unwanted gesture. You begin to scream through the gag again, but the wad in your mouth hits the back of your throat, producing a string of harsh stifled coughs. As you choke on your own spit, the informant lets out an exasperated sigh.

"See what happens when you don't listen?" He scolds.

Promptly, he tugs down the gag around your mouth. Utilizing a thumb and forefinger, he plucks the second gag out, resulting in a thin line of salvia following in suit. While you attempt to clear your convulsing airway, nimble fingers fasten under the blindfold, sliding it upwards and off your head. Eyelids flutter, blinking rapidly to adjust from the blur. Once your vision is unencumbered the first thing you notice is that you are lying flat on a plush king sized mattress. The comforter was black, matching the onyx bedframe your hands were tied to. Second, you noticed that this room was completely different from the last one you had been in. It was much bigger; the walls of the interior were white except for the wall behind you which was a theater curtain red. Tasteful furniture such as a small loveseat, a large dresser and a nightstand, ornamented the room essentially completing the atmosphere. Was this his room? No, it couldn't be. It did not resemble the structure of his apartment. To your right there was a wide-ranging window, or rather you guessed it was a window; it had been boarded up, casting out the light of a world you would most likely never see again. Third, you discovered you were not in the clothes you had been wearing before. You were garnished in a strapless pale pink sundress that reached your mid-thigh. The dress was decorated in flower patterns of pink, blue, orange and yellow. Knowing he touched you while you were unconscious made your stomach churn with cold revulsion. Finally, and inevitably you peer to your left where Izaya sat. He was leaning forward, elbows were propped up on the bed, his chin nuzzled in both his hands as he watched, smiling fondly at you. "Welcome back [Name]-chan. Enjoy your nap~?"

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now