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      You were surprised you were able to get any sleep. The text from last night left you ill at ease. His threat loomed over you like an inevitable death sentence. What else could the madman possibly do? Your lips grow dreadfully cold, and you shudder. Would he force himself on you again? Would he...go farther than last time? Or maybe he was conspiring something else entirely. You didn't want to find out and yet you were overanxious to know what he had in store for you. Just when you thought you could stand on your own two feet, your tormentor was there to kick you in the legs; falling right back into his clutches.

As much as you wanted to heed Celty's advice and move forward, it seemed impossible when an immovable object blocked your path.

Izaya had shown up at your front door as promised, and you wasted no time in filling him in on your predicament. He took your cellphone, staring at the screen with an unperturbed smile on his handsome face.

"Probably wasn't a good idea to hurt his feelings like that, huh [Name]-chan?" He chides, flipping the phone to clarify. There on the screen was your own retaliation that had triggered the stalker's hostile response. Regret hits the back of your throat like bile. "There is a vast difference between being bold, and just being foolish~. And to deliberately provoke someone who's proved to be dangerous...I would say that unequivocally falls into the category of foolishness."

"So what am I supposed to do?" You query, heavy with exhaustion and frustration. "Just take his abuse and do nothing?"

The pitch in your voice had risen the tiniest bit that it could have gone unnoticed by anyone else, but Izaya caught it. He takes a step forward, his red eyes are shimmering; he is warning you. Daunted by the menacing sensation, you lower your head in submission and wisely hold your tongue.

"What you're supposed to do is trust me. I promised to help you [Name]-chan. How can I do that when you're perpetually ignoring my advice?"

"I k-know, and I'm s-sorry, but..." you pause, your heart thumping rapidly at the thought of that monster's hands on you again. "I f-feel like he's never going to go a-away."

"Aw~ you should really have more faith in me [Name]-chan." He says, and he slips your phone into his pocket.

"Especially since I have brought good news for you today~."

Enlivened, your head shoots back up to meet his gaze. "Good news Izaya-kun? What do you...? Do you mean you might have actually found him?"

He doesn't answer your question. The info broker claps his hands together, excitedly. "We'll talk about it over lunch~! You haven't eaten yet have you?"

Disappointed, you shake your head, and he is pleased. "Wonderful ~! Russia Sushi is having a special on Fatty Tuna~."


It took Izaya a great amount of persuasion to get you out the door. Your stalker had promised punishment, and if he saw you out with Izaya...You were scared, but most of all you were scared for Izaya. You wouldn't be able to bear the excruciating anguish if something terrible happened to him. You could barely cope with Hikaru's death, and to lose Izaya would be the ultimate breaking point. Then you would truly be alone, idly waiting for the monster to come and devour whatever was left of you. Although you had expressed these trepidations to the informant, he merely brushed off the concerns. The raven haired young man openly laughed, confident that he was not in any danger. The only main concern he had was to help you 'relax'.

"You've been locked up in your apartment for weeks [Name]-chan~. I think a bit of fresh air would do you some good~."

Your cheeks were burning. At present, you were walking beside the informant, though that was not the reason for the crimson tint on your cheeks. Initially in your days of despair you had sought solace. Security, which you had found in Izaya's arms and closeness, was far from an issue. You held him, he repaid the favor and there was not even a shred of embarrassment. But now, there were no tears, nor were you seeking comfort. He was touching you, and you were completely cognizant of it. He had intertwined your hands together, his fingers cupping tightly. It was hardly his first time initiating physical contact, but there was no mistaking the blatant display of affection. In public view the two of you looked like an average couple. Unsure on whether to reciprocate, you did not return the intimate gesture - your fingers stayed slack the entire trip.

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now