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The task had been trying, but after a couple of deep, steady breaths you were able to inform the manager and the female employee where the attack took place. After gathering a few male employees to check the restroom, the manager had ordered the girl to call the authorities. More people are gawking at the situation, and inadvertently making you uncomfortable. Of course it was to be expected what with tableau you made screaming at the top of your lungs. Not to mention the state you were currently in. Your clothes tussled, lips were swollen, and there was an ugly, visible red-ish purple spot on your neck. A mark he had left when he sunk his teeth into you. There were pointed bruises on your wrist as well.

Your whole mouth tingled unpleasantly. The sensation of his lips had remained on your person. The places where he had kissed and licked radiated with heat, which was unusual given how ice cold his lips had been. Cringing with disgust, you carefully reach up to touch the horrid blot that marred your flesh. You were sickened, not only by the depraved assault, but by your own weakness. In a tiny, single moment when you had been distracted, your body had succumbed to his unwanted advances. That was why he had let you go, because he had won. Similar to the games you use to play with your brothers, where they would get you in an impossible grip and releasing only until you choked out an 'uncle'. You had made the sound of surrender and he reveled in it. Had that been his punishment for you? Establish his dominancy over you, and humiliate you? He wanted to prove how easy it was to put you under his control...

Your fingers massaged the area gently. In due time this blemish would fade and disappear from your skin, but the memory of it would stay with you for a much longer period.

'Where is Hikaru...?'

Indisputably, you had been gone for a significant amount of time. Stretching your neck, you scan the lobby for him. His face is nowhere to be seen, and you frown. Was he still waiting in the car? You notice the group of employees enter the ladies' room. One of them removes the 'Out of Order' sign hanging outside the door. A shiver pulsates down your spine. The monster had placed the sign there moments before he crept in. Ensuring he would not be disturbed and was free to do what he wanted with you. The edge of the blade against your throat replays in your mind, and you squeeze your eyes shut as if to block it out. Taking a deep breath, you mentally count to three to calm yourself. Another panic attack would just bring about more attention.

There is something amiss. Staring at your empty hands you realize that you lost your phone and bag in the scuffle. Your bag contained essential items, such as your keys and wallet. Your face twists with wretchedness, adverse to go anywhere near the place you had been assaulted in. After the long debate in your mind finishes, you sit up from the stool. Your legs, like the rest of you had yet to recover from the shock, and they shake severely.

"E-excuse me?" You said quietly to the nearest employee when you had reached outside of the facilities. "D-did you find a bag in there? All my things are in it."

The mousey looking boy frowns. "Sorry ma'am. We didn't find anything except for this ticket stub by the sink. It has someone's name on it." He briefly shows it to you, and you raise an eyebrow inquisitively. It's your name written on the back of the stub. You flip it.

AUD 12

You blink. This had been the exact movie you and Hikaru saw, and the same auditorium you had been in. A dreadful shudder jerks your shoulders. Ominous presentiment pushed aside, you request two of the male employees to come with you to investigate the auditorium. They are hesitant at first, but they accompany you with their heavy flashlights. Unsurprisingly, the auditorium is dark and eerie. One of the boys hastily works on the lights. Once fully illuminated, you travel up the steps to row F.

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now