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You had awoken to something lightly patting your cheek. It took a moment, but slowly your eyelids fluttered open to see the outline of a dark, blurry figure. When your vision cleared you found the attractive face of Izaya staring down at you. You blinked, and he only smiled playfully, waiting for you to register your position. You blinked again – once you calculated the extreme proximity his face was to your own, your cheeks flared. Immediately you tried to scrabble away, but the informant held you in place by gripping your shoulder firmly.

"Careful [Name]-chan~ you'll make yourself dizzy~."

You finally took notice to your surroundings. You were on the floor in the kitchen of your apartment. Izaya was seated on the floor as well; his back pressed up against one of the cabinets. His legs were bent slightly, and he cradled the upper half of your body while your head rested comfortably on his collar bone.

Wait, what?

Panic-stricken, and red faced you began to stammer. "I-Izaya-san I need to get up."

The info broker contemplated this, as though reluctant to let you go, but after his silent deliberation he carefully lifted you to your feet. Feeling weak in the legs, by both your post syncope and the informant's closeness, you swayed side to side. To steady yourself, you placed your hands on your nearest convenience – Izaya's chest, to which he didn't seem to mind in the least.

"Wha...What happened?" you ask, trying to shake off the waves of dizziness.

"You fainted~." He answers with a grin. "I knew you wouldn't react well, but to pass out like that? How overdramatic~!"

You grimaced at the giddiness in his tone, and pulled yourself off him. As an alternative, you hunched over one of your counters, palms flat on the surface as you began to remember the events prior to blacking out. A piercing sound assaulted your mind, one that resembled the noise your kettle makes. It had been the last sound you heard before fainting, and then you recalled Izaya revealing some very important and horrifying information. That's right; Izaya had told you that your stalker was someone you knew. You looked over in the direction of the informant then, he was smiling at you again. As if any malicious intent had never been there to begin with. A memory replayed of him corning you in your own kitchen. Had you imagined that? It was possible. You had been so absorbed with his findings that it actually heightened your fear and paranoia.

Your hands clenched tightly into a fist and your voice is barely above a whisper. "Do you know who it is?"

Instead of an immediate answer there was a disconcerting silence. His smile never wavered in the slightest, but his eyes flashed dangerously.

"Nope~." He finally says after one agonizing minute. "I'm afraid I don't. So sorry~."

"What do you mean?! Then how can you be so sure?!" you shout, incredulous. "Is it just a theory? You could be wrong-"

"I'm not wrong." He cuts in sharply. "Obviously you don't know them as well as they know you, but believe me when I say it's someone you definitely been in contact with."

That familiar feeling of hopelessness made your heart slump. You were left in shock. You had known there could be a possibility it was someone you knew, but to know for certain made your stomach turn. The many questions ran wildly around in your mind. How well do you know them? Was it someone from school? Which class? Which club? Or could it be one of your professors? Truthfully, since arriving to the city you had come into contact with numerous people. That had been what you had wanted, to make as many friends as possible and now it seemed you were being punished for it. Your heart started to pound against your chest, your palms were clammy, and the air was becoming so thick you couldn't breathe.

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now