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A series of bangs that resemble the sound of thunder make you jolt under your captor. It's surreal how the simplest of intruding noises could spear this citadel of terror, shining in a beam of light that belonged to the outside world. The world that you had been stolen from. Due to the unforeseen disturbance, the switchblade which had been in your firm grasp, slipped back into the crevasse of the couch. For a moment, the knocks have you stock-still. As hopeful opportunity emerges, your natural instincts kick into gear. Your lips part to release a piercing screech for help, praying for the miracle that the person on the other side would hear your bloodcurdling screams and wisely sprint to alert authorities. Unfortunately, Izaya had predicted such an attempt, his hand –still feverish from its licentious activities - abruptly slapped over your mouth, smothering any cries that would surely irritate his eardrums. The thought of struggling instantly occurs to you, both hands coming up to his wrist to wrench the offending appendage away, however, as you lie under the informant broker –half-naked and enveloped in shame – you cannot help but take attention to his expression.

Obviously, he wasn't expecting anyone at this hour or at this particular location for that matter, but suspiciously enough, he does not wear the expression of someone who has been caught. He harbors no traces of fear, nor does he appear to be confused or even rattled by the unknown newcomer. No, as you stare unblinkingly at him, you discern his features as someone who is extremely annoyed. It was fairly possible that he had an idea to the identity of the mystery guest. If this was indeed the case, then it meant that the person outside was definitely not here to save you from your horrendous captivity.

You were soon to be outnumbered.

Devastated, you moan under his hand and though muffled the woeful disappointment is clearly audible.

Red orbs that had previously been averted by the source of the disruption now drift back to you. Visage seemingly no longer contorted with displeasure, the monster grins.

"What horrible timing! And on our special night too ~. Really, can you think of anything more bothersome?" He issues a small sigh. "Hmm~ the preferable solution would be to ignore it..." The hand maintaining your forced silence falls; slowly and gently fingertips glide, ghosting over your swollen lips before dipping further down your chin and then to the curve of your neck. "...but I don't think they're going away any time soon."

Air comes as a relief to your lungs when he untangles himself from your body and pulls you into a sitting position with him. Pounding aggressively against your ribcage is your heart, its beat matching the abrasive knocks that are rapidly growing in volume, alerting you that this person was becoming impatient. Unruffled, Izaya deliberately took his time, choosing to assist you with your dress, pushing the fabric up and back around your shoulders while you hurriedly smooth down its skirt. [E/C] hues vibrate wildly, incessantly peeking in the direction of the door, anxious to look upon the person who would aid the evil next to you. Engrossed by this ambiguity, you scarcely notice the informant reach around to pull up the gown's zipper; the sound shattered your trance, thrusting you back into this fragile reality.

"[Name]-chan," He begins, voice forever laced with silk. With an erect finger he tilts your chin and you are met with that shimmering sea of red. "I don't have to remind you what will happen if you misbehave in front of our guest now do I?"

A sinister threat that infers a swift punishment will be delivered to your person should you decide to act on imprudent bravery. Familiar terror chills the blood in your veins as a horrid thought enters your tousled mind. The punishment could go beyond bodily harm and your parents could reap its severity.

Twisted Obsession [Yandere! Izaya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now