Chapter 1:

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"Let's go honey!" My mother shouts down the hallway of my old house. We are moving to Montana. "Okay mum i'm coming! I looked around my old room, I'm going to miss my room. "Hurry up Emma and Austin!" My father yelled. Next thing I know, Austin has thrown me over his shoulder. "Come on sissy we are leaving now!" Austin said while laughing. "I swear I'm going to kill you if you don't put me down now!" I said trying not to laugh. I started to hit his back and then started to laugh. "You know you can't win you never win, Emma so just stop." Austin said while trying to contain his laughter. "Fine but, you know I'm better than you at footy." I said now getting on his shoulders. My brother Austin and I play football together. He is 15 months older than me. Mum and dad say that we could pass as twins but I highly doubt that. Yes we have the same sea blue eye's, same dark brown hair, both have same features... OMG we do look the same he is like a boy me and i'm like a girl him.

"Austin we do look like twins i was just thinking about it and we like all the same things, we have the same features same eyes i'm basically a girl version of you and your a boy version of me" he just laughed and replied "oh my god we do too!! That means i would make an ugly girl" i slapped him on his head and started laughing "i'm joking do not go ape on me please i don't want to go to school with a black eye and explain my little sissy did it that would be embarrassing because they won't believe me if i said that i got in a fight" i just laughed at him and jumped in the car.

"okay you ready kids?" mum asked as we pulled out of the drive way "yep" Austin and i said at the same time. Soon enough i found myself asleep. I woke up to flashes of cameras, i opened my eyes to see we arrived in Montana and we were surrounded by all our cousins that's when i realized that Austin and i fell asleep hugging each other, i was on his lap and his head was rested on my shoulder, "Austin Wake up we are here" i shook Austin until he was awake "What!?" he said sounding really pissed off "Austin we are here get up before they take more pictures of us" i said laughing, "okay... wait what!!?" i just laughed even harder

"Oh you think this is funny" he said to me with a really cheeky smile i just noded, Austin Started to tickle me "" i said trying to breathe " Say that Austin is the most sexiest man alive" he said and his smile grew "okay okay Austin you are the most sexiest man alive now get off me you weigh a ton" with that i pushed him off of me and got out of the car.

Then Austin threw me over his shoulder and started to walk up the stairs to the house i made my way to his shoulders "They are so cute " i heard my Aunt say and i just laughed. It took us the whole day to unpack the trucks and the car, so we had all the boxes in side. I help Austin Unpack and get settled into his room, then we started to unpack my things into my room, "Hey Austin my man how you doing?" My brothers best friend walked in he moved up here with his family.

"Hey, Isaac how did you settle in?" My brother asked giving him a bro hug, "Yeah i just finished unpacking my room, and i'm guessing that you have done your room" Isaac said with a grin on his face" Yeah, Man did you see my room dude it his so big " My brother said putting down my pillows, "Coff coff coff" i fake coughed, Isaac moved around Austin "Hey Emma" he said giving me a bear hug, "Hey Isaac" i said trying to breathe because his hands were tight around my waist "Hey Kids dinner is on the table and Isaac you are staying for dinner and don't worry i asked you mum and they are coming over to eat with us too" My mum said coming in view of the doorway.

"What's this?" Isaac smirk while holding up my bra Austin just laughed "OMG ISAAC GIVE THAT BACK" i said chasing him around my bedroom, "no you will have to catch me first" he said running around my bed which was in the middle of the room" I'll be down stairs come down when you guys are done " Austin said laughing while exiting my room. "Give it back now" i said while i stopped running "look im Emma and my boobs are huge that's why my bra size is D" he said laughing and i just pronounced on him and we landed on the bed, i landed on top of isaac and then i rolled off of him once i got my bra back and we were just laughing " That was fun" Isaac said resting his head on his hand and i pushed his elbow and he face smashed onto my bed i got up and ran "your gonna get it" Isaac said running after me "HELP AUTIN YOUR FRIEND IS GONNA KILL ME" i said running past his room "bad luck sissy i'm gonna let him also im mum and dad r going to the store and im going bye" he said running out of his room and down the stairs and out the door leaving me & Isaac alone "you're not going to get me isaac hahaha" i said running down the stairs and through the living room, i stopped running when i saw Isaac wasn't behind me "Isaac where are you?"i said looking around .

"Boo" Isaac said grabbing me by my waist, i screamed like girls in horror movies then i found myself landing on the floor with a big thud "Shit" i said, "Shit are you okay Emma?" Isaac ask while hovering over me, i started to laugh and then Isaac rolled off of me and that's when my mum, dad,Austin, Isaac's mum Mary and his dad John, "well i see Isaac got you i knew you wouldn't be able to get away from him" Austin said laughing and the parents started laughing as well. Isaac is like Another older brother and when ever i would be with a boy he would go protective like Austin.

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