Chapter 12:

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Emma POV:

I couldn't get what Liam said out of my head "he likes you Emma" it kept playing over my head.

Today at school There was posters all around the school, it had big letters on it spelling Prom,"hey Em" Lola came up to me and gave me a hug " hey Lol" we both had our first 2 periods free so we went in the library "Em we are going shopping after school for our prom dresses, and im not taking no for an answer" i laughed and said "i don't have any money" Lola just smiled and pulled out a credit card and said "i asked you mum and she gave me this, she said go all out" i look at the credit card it was Austin's " Em your mum said that Austin and her planned on buying your the dress and she wanted to do what he said so you have his credit card" i smiled at her and we started to work.

It was the end of the day and Zac, Aiden, Jacob, Jack, Jake, Isaac Aaron and Ace came up to us and all said "hello" then Lola said "you boys have any dates to Prom?" they all shook their heads and Aaron said "nope neither will you we are all going solo no questions asked" Lola and i laughed and agreed. We made our way to the shops and we went into about 10 dress stores until one dress caught my eye it was amazing "Em i found a dress for me come on" she grabbed, my hand and pulled me into the store i grabbed the dress that i wanted and so did Lola "Lol show me" she came out of the dressing room it was amazing the dress she picked was yellow and had diamonds on it. " hurry up and put your dress on" i grabbed the dress and went in the change rooms i put it on it was amazing it was blue and white i loved it, i stepped out of the room and showed Lola her mouth dropped and she screamed "We are taking both these dresses."

We paid for the dresses and went back to my house "Lol you can leave you dress here since your coming here on Friday to get ready" she nodded and out he dress with mine, "i can't wait until Friday thank the lord it's only two days away yasss" i laughed at her and she laughed as well.


Today is Prom and we have no school i can't wait but i'm nervous, Lola came over at 10:00 at the moment Lola is doing my make up and i did hers first, she gave me a smokey eye look, i gave her the same but different color.

file:///home/chronos/u-105fd803e1ed29aa48b6492f25133395ead00e2e/Downloads/collage-2016-09-11.pdf - image of their dress's and eye Make up

It was 5:55 and the dance started at 6:20, Lola and i got changed into our dresses

I Put my dress and heels on and so did Emma we grabbed our bags and mum called out "Girls the boys are here hurry up" we both looked at each other and nodded, Lola made her way down the stairs then i did my mum and dad hadn't seen my dress so everyone except for Lola know what it look like " Girls hurry....." mum stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at Lola and me and smiled the boys smiled and we gave them a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Mum took pictures and then we made our way to the Prom, it was 45 minutes late when we got there and i was really nervous.

A/N yes i know its is really short sorry :)

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