Chapter 2:

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We have been in Montana for a few weeks now today is Monday Our first day of School, "Austin hurry up before i kick your ass" I yelled while running down the stairs, "Relax, i'm coming we won't be late" he said as he followed me into the kitchen.We arrive at school half an hour later "Come on Emma we need to go the the office" Austin said while dragging me through the doors.

"Hey, Austin how you doing man" a boy Came up to Austin and gave him a bro hug "Hey Zac, this is my sister Emma" Zac looked down at me he had blond hair and sea blue eyes, "Hey Emma, come on i introduce you to my sister" he said and grabbed my arm and pulled me to a girl with bright red hair "Hey Lola this is my Friend Austin's sister become friends and do girly things" he said and ran off Lola and i started laughing "Hey Emma im Lola" she gave me a hug "Hey Lola"i said giving her a hug "come on i'll take you to the office" Lola said and we linked arms and started walking "okay you need to stay away from Josh, Adam, Liam, Ethan you don't want to know them trust me they will make you life hell" Lola said while walking down the hallway

We were at least 5 minutes away from the office when i smashed into a boy " Hey watch where you're going freak!!" a tall guy says and i froze "what you mute?" he said laughing ,he had brown hair the the bluest eyes i have ever seen he was about 6'5 "H.e.l.l.o c.a.n .y.o.u .h.e.a.r .m.e.?" he asked being a smart ass and started laughing with his mates "first off yes i can hear you second don't treat people like that third get out of my face" i said grabbing Lola's arm and dragging her away.

I looked at lola she look scared and shocked "what?" i asked "you know how i was telling you about those boys" she said "yeah??" i said " well that was them" once she said that my smile dropped "huh?" i said while taking a breath.

30 Minutes later:

I was making my way to my first class if the day which was English, Lola helped me find my classroom and them made her way to hers, i knock on the door and walked in, everyone's heads turned my way, then the teacher spoke up "Class this is a new student her name is Emma" everyone noded "Emma please sit at a free spot" i looked around the room and my eyes landed on a table in the back corner so i made my way over to the desk and sat down.

5 minutes into class the door is smashed open "nice of you to join us josh" the said not looking up from her laptop, holy shit there is a seat next to me and one on the other side of the room. I looked over to the door Josh was scanning the room and then landed on me and he smirk "oh shit" i whispered to myself, my eyes followed him, he sat down next to me and put his fingers through his hair.

"Okay...class i'm going to be pairing you up and you will be working with each other for the rest of the year" oh god please lord don't put me with Josh "okay so ashley and david, tom and sammy" she said the rest of the class names except for mine, Josh and two other kids in the class "Emma with Josh and Emily with Ryan" Fuck just great i'm with josh. "Now everyone go find a table with your partner, move" everyone sat next to their "So what's your name?" i turned to see josh with a smirk on his face ,"My name is Emma" i said shiting myself " my name is.." i cut him off and said " i know your name is Josh i have heard about you, Adam, Liam, Ethan" i said turning and drawing on my book.

"So what have you heard about me and the boys?" he asked making me look up, i was about to answer but i was saved by the bell, i grabbed my books and ran out of the classroom. I put my books in my locker and Lola and i walked to the cafeteria, we sat down at a table them our brothers and their friends joined us , before the boys came i was telling Lola about the Josh situation, then the boys came and we stopped talking about it until Lola said " Emma i can not believe you stood up to Josh" and that's when the boys stop talking to each other and turned me with shocked looked faces then Lola continued " and then you have to work with him for the rest of the year in English" my brother, Zac and the rest of the boys face darkened "Emma stay away from that jerk he is trouble " Zac said acting like my brother, and all the other boys just noded i turned to Lola and the boys started talking to each other again. " come on let's go i need to tell you something" Lola said standing up, "okay cya Austin, Zac and boys" i gave Austin a hug and kiss on the cheek "love you" i said waiting for a respons "love you too sissy" i just rolled my eyes at the nickname he gave me and walked off with Lola.

We went and sat down at a table behind the gym " sorry Emma" i looked at Lola confused "for telling all the boys" she said looking at the table" Its all good Lola Austin would have killed me if he found out by someone else so don't worry" i said taking a bit of my sandwich , Lola took a bit of her sandwich. Then Josh, Adam, Liam, Ethan came through the doors and was looking right at me and and started walking my way" Lola get up now Josh,Adam, Liam, Ethan are coming this way"She looked behind her and got up and we ran off.

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