Chapter 13:

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Josh POV:

As i got ready for Prom i was thinking about Emma, tonight us boys decided to fly solo with no date and Zac said the Emma and Lola would too, Liam, Ethan and i was at Prom on time i was really scared i wanted to talk to Emma, "Dude calm down ysge is coming Zac text me they are parking the car" i noded "but what if they couldn't get her to co....." i stop when i saw Lola walk through the doors followed by the boy's, i knew it she didn't come, the Emma walked through the doors everyone was staring at her but she had her eyes on me i looked her up and down her dress was blue like her eyes she looked amazing "WOW" i said to the boys, i made eye contact with her and she gave me a sad smile and i could see in her eyes she was sad and missed me i miss her too.

The boys walked over to us and said "hi" but the girls didn't they went and sat with some other girls, about and hour into the night of dancing eating and drinking the Principle got on stage and said "okay everyone we are announcing King and queen so everyone make their way to the dance floor" i watched as Emma and Lola got up Then i put my Attention back to the stage, "okay first off we have the nominees.. So for the king we have Josh Cahill, Adam Robert and Liam Alexander, we walked up on stage....

Emma POV:

As soon as i walked into the room my eyes went to Josh everyone was staring at me and i stared at josh he looked me up and down we made eye contact i gave him a sad smile i really miss him and i can tell he misses me too i could see in his eyes, the boys walked up to them and gave them a bro hug Lola and i went and sat down with a group of girls.

About an Hour into the night of having fun the Principle got on stage and said "okay everyone we are announcing King and queen so everyone make their way to the dance floor" i made my way to the dance floor with Lola, "okay first off we have the nominees.. So for the king we have Josh Cahill, Adam Robert and Liam Alexander" i watched as Josh walked on stage the boys said that none of the boys brought a date i was kind of happy, "okay now we have the nominees for the girls Lola Evans, Ashley George and Emma Carson" i heard my name and Lola dragged me on stage "okay now the king of Prom is ...........JOSH CAHILL" omg he won omg i'm so happy i hope i win so i can dance with him, i said to myself "don't worry Ema you will win and dance with him" shit did i say that out loud "yes you did" Lola said laughing "shit" i laughed with her too "Now for the Queen of Prom this was Close by one vote..... LOLA EVANS" i was happy for her but dia pointed that i didn't win i saw Lola go to the microphone and she said "Sorry sir but i didn't vote and i would like to vote for Emma" what the hell is she doing she won why is she doing this "okay.... So we need one more vote anyone who didn't vote" the principal asked, i saw Zac raise his hand "okay Zac who do you vote for" i looked at Lola then at Zac she was pointing at me and motioned he would kill him if he didn't pick me " um i'm picking this because my sister will kill me if i don'... i pick Emma" i was really shocked Lola jumped and hugged me.

"Okay well done Emma now we have the king and queen dance" i grabbed the crown and met Josh on the dance floor he had a smile that was from ear to ear, he put his hand around my waist and i put mine on his shoulder "hey" he said "hey" i said smiling, we danced for about 5 minutes and then everyone joined in "come i need to talk to you" Josh said, we walked towards the door when Ashley came and tried to hug Josh but he pushed her away "i told you to leave me alone so do it for god sake" she backed off and walked away, i smiled at what he did, we had left the building and we went and sat on the benches on the football ground.

"Emma.... Why did you dress as a boy and um.... Play football?" he asked me nervously "well the last conversation with Austin was how he would help me dress as a boy and play football, the boys on the team knew instantly and didn't say anything but then coach found out he didn't mind , i um.... Didn't tell you because i was scared" i looked at Josh he looked confused "why were you scared?" what do i tell him "i didn't want you to think i was a freak and ididn'twantyoutothinkofmedifferentlybecauseilikeyou" he looke more confused, then he laughed and said "slow down" i nodded "i didn't want you to think i was a freak and ididn't want you to of think of me differently because i like you" i froze once i realise i said it, Josh looked and me and leaned in.

His lips touched mine and it felt like fireworks were going off on my lips i kissed back then he pulled away "i know you are meant to go on dates and things like that but doyouwantobemygirlfriend?" i couldn't understand the last part "okay now you need to slow down" he nodded and repeated what he said "i know you are meant to go on dates and things like that but do you want to be my girlfriend?" OMG HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND "OMG OMG YES YES I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND" i kissed him and gave him a hug, "come on let's get back inside" i nodded and stood up Josh help my hand and we walked together to the building, when we got to the doors he let go of my hand and put it around my waist, i blushed and when we walked in everyone was staring.

We made our way over to Lola and the boys, Lola was sitting on Adam's lap and they were grinning ear to ear, then Adam kissed her on the lips and she laughed and smiled when she saw me, Josh sat down and i went to sit beside him but he pulled me on his lap so i sat there and rested my head on his shoulder. It was 1:00am and i was tired "i want to go home" i said to Josh he nodded and got up and said "bye guys we are going"

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