Chapter 9:

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Josh walked in and i froze he said "Emma" he looked really hurt and i didn't know what to do, the Adam and the team came running into the room and Josh stormed out and the boys followed him and i got changed and ran out of the change rooms to see Josh at his car talking to the boys and Lola,.

Lola saw me and the boys all looked at me, i ran off i ran to my car and drove to the cemetery and ran to Austin's grave" i started crying "Austin what have i done, i stuffed up" i sat there and cried until i saw Ace and the boys car pull in so ran and got in my car i watched them get out and look around i took this and drove off i was going to the beach.

When i got to the beach i sat down on a rock and watched the wave, i was at the beach for an hour or two then i saw the football team feather down the beach Adam saw me and made his way over to me, i faked i didn't see him and got up and started to walk the other way i walked towards the water, i was walking on the shore and was hoping that he didn't follow, so turned around to look and he was not even a meter away.

"Emma" i stopped walking "i know you saw me" i just gave a sad smile" why don't you come and join us it's a celebration for our win and i not taking no as a answer"i shook my head"no i'm not coming"i simply said and started to walk again"if you don't i will throw you over my shoulder and run back so all sand will go in your face"i stopped walking"fine ill come" we started walking back to the group when i got there i saw Josh wasn't there so i was relieved.

Everyone was partying except me i sat down and just watched the fire, i feel really bad for not telling Josh but i liked him more than a friend and now he won't talk to me ' you haven't even tried to talk to him' shut up sub conscience, soon i saw Josh come and there was a redhead chick with him leaching on his arm he pushed her off then walked over to the boys and gave them a bro hug his eyes landed on me and then he looked away, i got up and went up to Adam and said "sorry i have to go" i looked towards Josh and i saw that he was really angry and upset "Why?" Adan asked, " mum needs me home bye" after i finished i walked off.

Adam POV:

I chased after Emma "Emma" she stopped walking "i know you saw me" she gave a sad smile " why don't you come and join us it's a celebration for our win and i not taking no as a answer"i i asked her but she shook her head"no i'm not coming" she said and started to walk again"if you don't i will throw you over my shoulder and run back so all sand will go in your face" she stopped walking once i said it "fine i'll come" we started walking back to the group when we got there saw Josh wasn't there and she looked really relived was relieved.

She just sat at the fire and was staring and thinking, i went over to the boys and Liam asked "how is she?" i looked over to where Emma was sitting " she's not taking it good i think she liked him" the boys just noded "do you think he will forgive her?" Ethan asked "i don't know but she hasn't taken it well when i went to get her she got up and started speed walking and then when i brought her here and she saw that Josh wasn't here she looked relieved, i think she's scared of what he will do" after i said that Josh walked on the beach with a redhead attached to him he threw her off and said " leave me alone" and walked up to us i looked over to Emma she looked really sad and scared "hey guys" Josh gave me a bro hug "who's that redhead?" i asked wanting to know " i don't know some chick that won't leave me alone" in the corner of my eye i saw Emma get up and come towards us and i thought that she was going to talk to Josh but she did the complete opposite "sorry i have to go" is all she said only making eye contact with me "why?" i asked her i know why she's leaving but i wanted to hear what she had to say.

I looked at Josh and he was Tense "mum needs me home bye" after she said that she walked off. I turned to Josh and said "dude are you seriously ignoring her?" he looked at me "don't look at me like that why did you tense when you heard her voice?" he shook his head " i don't know maybe because i was going on about her in the change room in front of her and she didn't say anything, and the girl i like plays football with me and i accidentally hit her like 10 times in the stomach and mouth to get the ball" then he looked to where Emma walked off and then faced me again "Dude you need to talk to her and ask her why she did it" he shook his head and said" did you see she didn't even look at me" omg this kid is so dumb "she didn't look at you because she is scared of what you might say you dumb ass" he looked at me like i just found a new way to get drunk and not have a hangover.

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