Chapter 28 - The Morbid Rabbit

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TPKA : The Morbid Rabbit

When Zack began to teach me about the world we live in, he did so randomly, at one point we would talk about one topic and then the next it would be something completely different. It was more like trivia than anything else.

"You know, you still didn't answer my question. How do you save someone who has been possessed by a Colorless? Is there a specific way of doing it?"

"Oh, yeah, to save a human who has been possessed by a Colorless..."

The inside of the house was tranquil, wind snuggled around Nathan and Anna then escaped out of the window. Anna faintly giggled amidst the quietness, Nathan gritted his teeth. His body is driven with anticipation for what Anna might do.

On the other side of the spectrum, Shiro observed the creature cautiously, prepared for anything to swing at her. Throughout this silence, she listened to the faint growl of the creature, its red glowing eyes staring down at Shiro, and then out of nowhere, it made its move. Almost invisible to the naked eye, Shiro was lucky enough to see it coming as she shifted her head slightly to the right; a sharp slash leaves a trail of wind as Shiro barely managed to avoid it.

Shiro mumbled, 'Shift form - Hammered Hand.' Her fist turned into blocks of stone as she performed a right cross punch towards the darkness.

In choreography with the creature, Anna swung her knife diagonally but Nathan, noticed her swing, dodged right and went for a right punch towards Anna's face as if he was syncing the moves of Shiro

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In choreography with the creature, Anna swung her knife diagonally but Nathan, noticed her swing, dodged right and went for a right punch towards Anna's face as if he was syncing the moves of Shiro. His fists hit her soft cheeks as she's knocked back with an aching cheekbone. Anna winced as she backed away but returns Nathan with her insane grin, throwing him off.

Shiro's punch hits but was received with barely any reaction, she looked closely into the darkness and got a good look at the creature.

"Is that what you look like? Your kind is supposed to be cute, you know? So why don't you try to fit that role, Bubbles," Shiro commented as she could faintly see the appearance of the creature in the darkness.

With only red eyes to be seen, a rather slim looking creature was hunched over Anna. Its ears were large and limp, its nails are unbelievably long, one nail was enough to be used as some kind of blade. It was about 2 meters tall as it's hunched over, its head was touching the ceiling. Shiro had punched its waist but it seemed the impact did not have any effect on the creature.

"To save a possessed human, you need to break the connection between the Colorless and the Human. Either by making the Colorless flee in fear or killing it."

Shiro backed off, raising an eyebrow and realizing her punch did nothing.

Anna's stance was crooked as she smiled at Nathan, she spoke, "You held back, didn't you? You're a complete idiot for holding back against someone who is about to kill you, ya know? But I guess that's your loss. Put a fight while you can but eventually, I will tear your guts out and make you experience every last seco-"

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