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"Great." I say as Auston finally walks out of the locker rooms.

"Hey Ivy." Auston says looking down which ended up with me seeing a few cuts on his head.

"Don't fight him ever again." I tell him.

"But he was talking shit to me!" Auston says.

"I don't care! Look at you! You look like a mess!" I say to him pointing at his face.

"And he kissed you! You guy's aren't even dating!" Auston says back.

"Well we're not dating either, so why would you care?" I ask him as he then falls silent.

"Fine. You know what, i'm leaving." I say as a walk away but I then get pulled back into Auston's arms and my lips attatched to his. I then pull away quickly in shock.

"Ivy, I-"

"What the fuck man!" I hear Matthew say from behind me.

"Matthew please stop." I say turning to him.

"Ivy, come on! Him!" Matthew asks pointing at Auston.

"Matt, come on man. Just head out to your bus." Auston says.

"You know what. Whatever, Ivy, i'll see you around." Matthew says walking away still mad.

"So..." Auston says and i turn back around to him.

"So..." I say back. But before i could say anything else, Auston's lips where apart of mine once again.

|| NEXT DAY ||

"Auston!" I yell as i walk out of his room in only his giant shirt i have on.

"In here!" He yells back as i then follow his voice into the kitchen to see him cooking without a shirt on but in a pair of basketball shorts.

"Hey." I say walking into the kitchen.

"Morning." Auston says as he picks me up and places me on the counter.

"How'ed you sleep." He asks me smirking.

"Shut up." I say to him laughing and he chuckles back. He then places a soft kiss on my lips and i smile down at him.

"So, i got a week road trip coming up." Auston says as he turns around and grabs a plate full of foos and gives me it.

"Uggghhh, Don't remind me." I say as i take the plate and chew on a piece of bacon.

"It's just a week." Auston says kissing my cheek and goes to sit at the table and i jump off the counter to join him.

"Which is a whole week of nothing to do." I say as i grab my forke and start to eat my eggs.

"You can go shopping, hang out with the other WAG's." Austons says eating.

"Actually, I think i'm going to look for a job." I say to him.

"Like what?" He asks me.

"I think modeling. I got the height, and hopefully the body." I say to him.

"You got the height, and for sure you got the body. But i wan't you to just do sports magazines or like for Nike and Under Armour. Not Victoria Secret, i don't want anyone else seeing you like that." Auston says pointing at me with his fork.

"Whatever floats your boat." I say smiling as i finish my food and put it in the sink.

"Promise me." I say as i put my hands on either side of the sink.

"Anything." Auston says as he joins me at the sink and he snakes his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"You won't look at any other girls like how you look at me." I say to him as i turn around to face him.

"I promise." He says as he kisses me on the lips and i smile as he does.

Can't Wait: Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now