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"Mitch i'm fine." I tell him over the phone.

"Are you sure your good too play?" Mitch asks me.

"Yes, i beat you in a game of one on one recently, so.." I say too him.

"Alright, alright, just be careful." He tells me.

"I will, don't worry. I'll see you when you come too Calgary in a week." I tell him/

"For sure, see ya!" He say as I hang up the phone and put it into my gear bag. I then slip on my helmet and grab my stick and head out of my change room. As I step out I see almost all of the guys ready for warm ups.

"Ivy!" I hear Matthew say as he walks up to me.

"Hey." I tell him.

"I got your back out there." He tells me.

"I know." I say back too him.

"Look, i just want you too be safe." He tells me.

"So do I." I say as we all start too head out onto the ice.

I then start too play around with the puck, skating around and shooting at the net. After that I then got too the end of our zone and start to stretch out on the ice.

"Hey." I hear someone say beside me. I then turn my head too my left and see the oone and only Connor McDaivd.

"McDavid! Long time no see!" I tell him smiling at him as we stretch together. Connor and I were great friends when we were younger and we would always have a competition on who would get the most goals when the Otters would visit the Kights.

"Yeah! How've you been?" He asks me.

"I've been great! Took a break from hockey, but i'm back! And i can tell your doing great at hockey, Mr. Capitan of the Oilers." I say to him smirking.

"it's crazy, i know." He says as we both laugh.

"Well i'll see you later Connor!" I say getting up from the ice.

"Yeah, good luck!" He tells me.

"You too!" I tell him as I do a few more shots on net and then head into the guy's locker room so I can be told the starting line ups and get a talk from coach Gulutzan.

"Alright boys, and Ivy, I want you all too play well and who every gets in a fight tonight gets to do extra suicides tomorrow morning. SO with that said, Monahan the starting line ups." Coach G says and Sean stands up.

"Starting line ups! Left wing, my boy Johnny hockey! Centre, the handsome and strong Sean mother fucking Monahan! Right wing we got the first girl EVER in the NHL starting, the beautiful and Stunning, our girl Ivy Williams!" Sean yells as every one cheers him on.

"Let's get it boys!" He yells as we cheer again and we line up too get onto the ice ready for anthems.


Once the anthems were done my line then stays on and we get into position.


It's now the end of the first period and I already got two goals, giving us a two nothing lead on the Oilers.

"Good job Williams, maybe we can get a hatrick out of you tonight." Johnny says to me taking a seat beside me on his stall.

"Maybe, but i'm noting like Matthews or Laine." I tell him.

"Yeah, your even better." He tells me nudging my shoulder.


Johnny was right, I was able too get a hatrick, and I got another extra goal, giving Calgary a 4-2 lead, since the Oilers got two goals on us.

"I told you so." Johnny tells me as I sit beside him.

"Yeah yeah." I say rolling my eyes.


The Oilers were able too tie the game, but not after I took another goal on them, which leaves us ties 5-5.

It's now shootout since no one scored in overtime. Our first three players went all getting goals and same for the Oilers, so now it's round four.

"Williams, your shooting next." Coach G tells me as we watch the Oiler's player shoot, and then miss.

I then get onto the ice and get behind the blue line. Once the whistle was blown I then make my way up too the puck and get control of it. I then take it up ready too shoot forehand, but then quickly switch to back hand... and GOAL!!!!

"Woooooo!" I yell as the guys join me onto the ice. 

After a lot of congratulations and pats on the back, i then make my way into my locker room and quickly change before the media gets inside. I was then given my three pucks and i got my picture taken with them. Next up was a few reporters asking me questions.

"How did you feel when you were told you were going to be playing in the NHL?" One guy asks me.

"Well I felt surprised. I didnt really think anyone like me would make it into this league." I say.

"What were you thinking out there?" Another person asks me.

"When I was out there all i was thinking about was prove them wrong. People don't think women can play with the boys but, i think i just did. Coming into this league I knew i was an underdog from the start, so now i'm trying too make it too the top." I say.

"How were you able to get those 5 goals so easily?" A person asked me.

"Well I think after a while of playing and after my first two goals, i started too get the hang of things and just tried my best. Everything after my second goal was just a blur and i couldn't tell what i was doing." I say laughing.

After a while, everyone left the locker room and I was on the hunt for Johnny, since i'll be staying as his roommate until I find my own place. Once I finally found him, he then lead me too his car and we drove back too his place where all my things should already be.

Can't Wait: Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now