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"On the low Matthews, Ivy is better then you." Mitch tells me as we just finished watching Ivy's first game.

"She's way better then me man!" I say smiling being proud of her.

"I miss her so much." Steph says.

"Call her!" Mitch tells Steph and she nods happily.

Once she dialed the number, she put it on speaker and we waited for her too answer. But after a while she didn't pick up.

"Maybe she's busy with an interview. Try again tomorrow." Mitch tells Steph and she nods understanding.

I then go on my phone and check twitter too see everyone going crazy over Ivy, even people who don't even play hockey!

"Woah, Ivy's blowing up everywhere!" I tell them as they go on their phones and see people tweeting and posting about Ivy.

"Her dream came true." Steph says tearing up.

"Ever since she was a little girl, this is what she wanted." Mitch says.

"Shes amazing." I mumble to my self.



I wake up from my power nap before the game vs. the Caps energized and pumped for the game. I quickly get out of bed and go straight too my closet. I then pick out a pair of dark blue high waisted jeans, a white cropped top, a tan coat and black Nike free runs.

I then go too the washroom, wash my face and put my hair up in a bun, but not without breaking a few hair ties along the way

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I then go too the washroom, wash my face and put my hair up in a bun, but not without breaking a few hair ties along the way.

Once I finally got my hair too look normal for once, i then get my gear bag and head downstairs. I then drop my bag by the door and walk into the kitchen and I make a quick smoothie for Johnny and I. When I put them into to-go cups, Johnny comes downstairs with his gear bag which he dropped by mine.

"Here you go." I tell him as he walks into the kitchen and takes the smoothie.

"Thank you." He says standing beside me. He then puts his arm around my waist hugging and I lean my head onto his shoulder showing him I hugged back and close my eyes.

"Tired?" He asks me after taking a sip of his smoothie and I nod.

"Now let's go, before we're late." I tell him getting of him and Going over too the front door where I got my gear bag and walked out the door with Johnny right behind me.


As I Johnny and I walk into the arena we pass by the Caps buss where the players are starting too get out of. As I walk past, I get a few stares here and there and I smirk.

"I see they've found a liking in you already." Johnny says and I laugh.

"Looks like it." I tell him and we both smirk and we go inside the arena ready for the game.


My line with Sean and Johnny is on first. Sean wins the faceoff and we're off too the other zone. Johnny then makes a quick pass too Sean, then Sean moves around a bit, the passes back too Johnny who takes it behind the net.

"Here!" I yell tapping the ice as I see an opening in the ice. Johnny then passes too me and I take a shot fromt he point and in. I then flip my stick and push it down like a gun as my line come over too me and taps my head.

"Too easy." Mark Giordano tells me smiling at me.

"Thanks cap." I tell him as I then make my way too the bench and do fist bumps.

"I always wonder how you do it." Coach G asks me.

"What can I say, hockey's kinda my thing." I tell him shrugging and he laughs.

Can't Wait: Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now