Chapter 1

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Hay guys my first black butler fan fic well you see

This is how I imagine Sofia, but she would have blue eyes and darker hair.

I hope you'll enjoy

see ya!

"Hurry up Sofia, they have bread sticks for breakfast!" , Racheal wasn't afraid to wake up the whole neighborhood for her breadsticks, regardless if they were frozen prepackaged garbage. While she was screaming  outside my door, I was hopping into my jeans leg by leg, trying to fight gravity and not end up  face flat on the floor with a broken nose. It's almost always a losing battle .

"Coming", I yell back. I take one more glance at the clock before cursing under my breath, running to take up my keys and my charred waffles from the counter before heading straight to the door.  My feet  were wedged halfway inside of my sneakers but Racheal's love for bread sticks would always be superior to my comfort and general safety. I locked the door behind me and sprinted past Racheal, pulling her by her arm behind me.

"There's no way I'm letting you go without your sticks!"

" Through the shortcut then!", she proposes. Our bodies dodge through the crowded sidewalk of people then make a sharp turn  into the alley. We could already see our school from here, thank god.  Regardless, there was no time to slow down and I had no intentions of doing so.

Racheal's voice broke through my thoughts, "Stop!"

I put two and two together when I saw a daunting black void appear right under my feet. I lost my footing and grabbed onto the closest thing next to me. Racheal. the next thing you know it felt like we were free falling on a roller coaster then BAM. I landed smack against the ground, the impact  making my vision becoming split and blurred.

A looming black figure approached us.

Desperately, I tried to get up even though my pinky couldn't move an inch. My vision finally went and everything faded to pitch black.

I darted up as soon as my eyes opened again with clenched fists ready to defend Racheal and myself . Our surroundings looked different. I was on a soft luxurious bed and Racheal was out cold next to me. Two knocks came from the door, followed by a lingering silence. "Come in",  I hollered, unsure if that was even the right thing to do.  Weirdly enough the room looked extremely familiar but I knew I was never here before.

A man wearing a suit walked in. He was tall, with a confidence gait, black hair and those rusty brown eyes.

"I see you two are awake", his silky voice pronounces. I look back to see Racheal with the same look on her face as mine.
Utter and absolute shock . 

"I was instructed to collect you two by Young Master, please follow me ."

So many mixed feelings were bubbling in the pit of my stomach. So many questions were darting around inside my head. We followed the man to see this, "Young Master" person.  He took us down a lavishly decorated hallway with pictures of seemingly important people dressed in old clothes. The  portraits that were hidden away from the sun were illuminated by candles . The man opened a door to a short young boy sitting in a seat . He had a very apparent air of maturity radiating off of him yet wasn't any older than thirteen or fourteen and had an eyepatch covering his right eye.

I broke out of my trance and busted out laughing, "This can't be real."

" You look like— like Ciel Phantomhive", I turned to Racheal who gave me confused nod.

" You two are the best cosplays I've ever seen!", she adds in.

"Who are you two, and why were you found unconscious on the grounds of my estate ?",the boy's glare demanded an answer from us.

"No way, this is Black Butler?!?", I squealed in total delight.

" I will not repeat myself ", Ciel was not amused.

"I'm Sofia, it is and was my dream to meet you and my friend here is Racheal."

Racheal waved and smiled.

"You're Ciel Phantomhive, the guard dog of the queen.Your butler is Sebastian Michaelis" I explain.

Racheal continued,"You made a contract with this demon to get revenge."

We both fell on the floor laughing while slenderman (Sebastian) and grumpy pants( obviously Ciel) looked flabbergasted .

"Sebastian keep these two girls in their rooms, I'll figure out what we'll do with them later".

"Yes my, lord. "

"Oh, I forgot to tell you we are from another world in the future", I rambled on.

Sebastian took us to our adjacent rooms.

"Dinner will be ready at 5:00, you'll find your attire on your bed. Don't be afraid to ring if you need anything Miss-".

" It's Sofia".

"Yes, M'lady Sofia. "

After Sebastian left I snuck over to Racheal's room to find her jumping on the bed. 'Typical Racheal', I thought.

"Oh my glob,Racheal what do you think about being in Black Butler?"

" It's totally awesome, and crazy but mostly awesome !",we both shriek in delight.

"Don't you have a crush on Ciel?", I ask, playfully nudging my eyebrows at her.

She blushed before I tackled her and threw a pillow at her face. She threw some back at me as we giggled like preschoolers and ended up on the floor.

" Don't you have a crush on Sebastian?", she asked.

" No, he is something else..."

"But you two have so many things in common, you both like cats, for one thing", she stated.

" Well that doesn't mean I like him. So if your favorite color is red then your soulmate is Grell", I replied. We broke out into laughter before we were interrupted by a knock at the door and Sebastian coming in after.

" Dinner is ready M'ladies." He gives us a disappointed  look. "I see you aren't dressed in your dinner gowns yet. Are you both in need of assistance ?''

I looked at Racheal to see her cheeks turning red and I could feel mine doing the same. "S-sure."

We went to my room and I was about to take off my clothes before I noticed Sebastian was there. "Turn around you perv before I have to go all Kirie( watch girls bravo to find out who she is) on you."

Sebastian smirked, how Sebby of him. I took off my clothes and watched as Sebastian helped me to put on the deathtrap that was nicely known as corset. I put my gorgeous dress over it .

" Thanks, again", I muttered while blushing.

I went downstairs to the dining room and saw Racheal and Ciel sitting down at the table. I sat down next to Rachel's giving her a slightly surprised fan girl look.

" This is the opportunity all fangirls have been waiting for", I pick up the fork with my quivering hand. " And so it is", Racheal adds before we both tasted the food. The gates of heaven opened in my mouth.

"I hope you find the meal to your taste", Sebastian chimes in with a smug grin.

" Oh, leave them alone Sebastian, don't you have work to do", Ciel said more as a statement than question.

" Yes, my lord".

:-------------------------------------------------+ <3 +-----------------------------------------------------:

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Thanks for reading.

Hope you guys loved this chap more too come.


- Keka

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