Chapter 8- The name of this chapter is a secret

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This is what happens when they get home, Ja

look a sword.

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Sofia's POV

We arrived home from our visit to the Alois trancy. Sofia and I hoped Sebastian would forget about the whole thing. But that was pretty much impossible, he knew the king Tutankhamen and he still remembers ( fyi fangirls of Sebastian hes older than king Tutankhamen so i hope you aren't his fangirls anymore)  him.  We started climbing the stairs, Sebastian didn't say a word. We went into Racheal's room. " You think he forgot", I whispered into Racheal's ear". "I think so". " you know he might be toying with us", I continued. We opened the door to see Sebastian standing there. "Run", I yelled . I transformed into my whole form, a cat and skipped between his legs, and transformed back. Racheal just dashed by  his side. We both slipped past, it was probably luck we ran downstairs, into the kitchen. "Don't go into the cupboard/oven, remember episode one", I whispered. She nodded.I turned into a cat and slipped under the counter, luckily it was hallow. I transformed back and braced my shelf against the walls, this hid my feet. Racheal was hiding behind the door/ luckily if he doesn't turn around she can escape, or if he comes in she can just run away through the door in a snap. I heard footsteps, most likely Sebastian. I couldn't see since I would have to get down and look through the crack, showing my feet, and getting captured. Wait, couldn't he feel our souls, but he hasn't catch us yet.No, he wants to play a game, so he probably "turned off" his instinct and  looking for us the normal way. He stepped next to the counter, I could hear his footsteps from under it. " My, my I wonder where they could be hiding", I hear him say. His eyes were probably crimson red now. "Achoo", it was Racheal. Damn she got caught. "Looks like I caught one", he said. "can you tell me where Sofia's hiding", I heard him ask Racheal. "I do not know". "It seems you are not lying". I heard their footsteps leave the room, I waited a few minutes, and sighed. I turned back into my cay form, and slid under the small passage way under the counter. Just to be safe I stayed in my ca form. I went through the doors looking both ways and went back downstairs into my bedroom. I turned back human and laid on my bed in the dark. I felt an ominous present with me. "Who's there" , I was scared. "It seems I have caught the kitty, in my trap." "Sebastian, stop creeping me out you sound like a perverted Claude". Tears slid down my eyes.I then I turned around to see Sebastian behind me, his eyes were crimson red. I  fell back flat on my bed, fudge the perfectly smooth, warm sheets. He went over me and licked my salty tears. he came closer to my ears and whispered "the bad little kitty needs to be punished". First thing that popped into my head the nun scene ( LOL) . Then the second thing this really really old dude(he's immortal and so he's old) is going to "punish me" ( rofl im soo weak). He started kissing my neck and unbuttoning my shirt. I stood there shocked. I couln't move. Then that meow mix commercial song came into my mind moew, moew,moew moew..(omg I weak, on the floor). The last button he kissed me, it was hard yet passionate, I totally fainted blushing.I couldn't belive it.

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