Chapter 9- Taken away by Lies -Part I

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And the songs Royal's by Lorde

Manga in the external link

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Ciel's POV

Several papers and open envelopes were scattered across the desk. " Not a single word from the queen", I mumbled to myself and rested my head in my palms. My head still pounded, it was a reminder of that stressful game.

"Truth and Dare?", I scoffed, "Never again."

The door flew open with a loud slam. The harsh sound echoed within my mind, adding more agony to my pain. "Was there any need--"

I was cut off by tortured rambles and wails. It was Sofia, her hair a mess, and her eyes pink and puffy.  She threw confused rambles at me like a demented woman, before she lowered her head, biting her lip and turning her gaze to Sebastian, with a few tears falling from her eye. Sebastian's lips moved and spoke words that made my mind go blank before filling it with a million thoughts.

"Racheal  has gone missing, sir."

Then it all made sense.

I snatched off my eye patch and stared holes through the demon.

"This is an order, Sebastian.Prepare a carriage! We are going to the Trancy manor.Sofia, I advise you to stay here, and stay out of our way", I already started to pace out of the door before she grabbed my wrist making me turn back to look at her.

"I am going Ciel", Sofia mumbles, her nails were digging into my skin.."I order you as a Phantomhive ser-."

"Without her, I am nothing, Ciel. I-I'm sure you understand such a  feeling."

I turned my gaze away from her and snatched back my arm.

"So be it, if you keep us waiting, we'll be gone before you know it."

Sofia's POV

I pushed open the door to my room and stormed in, having my eyes set on my bag. I quickly pulled down the zipper and closed my eyes, and dipped my hand into it. My fingers immediately wrapped around a cold metal blade, dripping with my blood as I took it out. I was getting Rachael back, and she was coming home with me.

'What if there were just pieces of her left to save?', whispered a voice in the depths of my thoughts.  He plunged out the eyes of a person who would never dare to hurt a hair on his head. What's stopping him from hurting someone he has barely even met?

Tears welled in my swollen eyes, and I immediately broke down. My body collapsed on itself and a river poured down my cheeks.

Rachael was okay. Rachael is okay. She's fine.

Sucking in hard, I regained my composer and tightened my grasp on the blade.

"They'll regret it, and I will be sure of it."

Arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to their torso.  A warm breath brushed again my ear, " I reckon I like you better with a smile, M'lady." I quickly turned around and pushed him away, I couldn't help but smile just a tiny bit.

" We don't have time for your seduction, Sebastian. "

Racheal's POV


Lavender hair cascaded down and tickled my cheek. My eyes fluttered open as my vision gradually grew clearer. It was a pretty woman who seemed faintly familiar , she warmly smiled down at me. I instantly smiled back and sat up.

"I must be dreaming."


I need to throw up, oh my gosh.

As if the woman could read my thoughts she brought up a pail to my head.  I retched my insides into it, being left with an acidic and unpleasant taste, in my mouth. I waved away the pail. 

"I don't recommend standing up ye-"

As soon as my foot touched the cold wooden tiles, my knees buckled and I came crashing down. "Ouch", I mumbled. She quickly kneeled down, with her dress pooling around her. Her arms wrapped around my shoulder as she lifted me up. Her eyes darted around and her hand cupped my cheek.

"I must bring you to, my highness. He has asked for you", she headed out the door before even waiting for my response. The lady stopped in front of a huge oak door. It opened and she sat me down in a chair. There was a  boy around Ciel's age, he had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He sat back in his chair with his legs kicked up on the desk. As soon as he saw me he jumped down, ran and wrapped his arms around me. He then pushed me away and looked straight into my eyes with a big smile on his face.

"Good, you look much better than yesterday."


"Yes, yesterday, silly, don't you remember ?", his head tilted as he stared at me inquisitively.

He turned away from me and directed his attention toward a man dressed up in glasses and a suit, the one apparently named Claude. His voice sent shivers down my arm. He quickly came back and handed me a glass of water and a pill. The two watched as I gulped it down .The blonde then took my hand in his , "I'm sorry ", he whispered. Before I could even question what he meant he continued. "Ciel, you remember him right? You told me, he admitted to never really love you. That you were something to entertain him ."  His hands gripped tighter around mine and tears started dripping from the sides of his eyes."So, you left. You had all the right to. You left and you came running here, banging on my door and begging for me to let you in, and how could I say no to you?"

"Don't you remember, the pain  he caused you?"

Then I felt water drip down my chin, as a faint and foggy image of the incident played through in my head.

My voice trembled as I said it, "I remember."


Keka: Omg the drama, the suspense,the romance, its all killing you right, I didnt do this on purpose

Sofia:Yes she did

Keka:no i didn't

Racheal: Hi guys :)

Racheal: See ya later

Ceil: And plz read the next chap, *sighs* Racheal why did you make me do this.

Racheal:*Tackles Ciel*

Sebastian: Yes, Please read the next chapter, for dear bassy*gives puppy dog eyes and pout*

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