Chapter 11- Another day at the Phantomhive Manor

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Hay guys sorry for late updates, school and everything >,<. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Lol, this video, i was like how u make a video about wiping ur hair back and forth and herei t is----->


Sofia's POV

I woke up from bed, with a faint knock from my door. " Come in I say", sleepily. Sebastian came in and looked at me. "M'laady were you crying last night". I looked in his eyes. " Young Master wants you, Sofia". I looked at him surprised, he actually called me Sofia and took off the formalities. I quickly turned my head around blushing, " I'll be there in a min". He ushered out of the room before I prepared myself to meet Ciel.

When I got at Ciel's study, I knocked the door. I heard a voice saying to come in and I did so. I saw Ciel Sebastian and most importantly-" Racheal", I shout before running up to hug her. We were both happy to see each other. " It's time to talk about the reason we are here", Ciel says with a great sigh, ending our reunion. "Party Pooper", I quietly says blowing my hair. I heard Racheal giggle from my comment." Anyways, Elizabeth, my fiancee is staying here for some while, I believe you know her"."Duh", Racheal retorted. Ciel ignored he remark and continued. "So Sofia you have to give p your room, and either stay in Sebastian's room or Racheal's."Rac-", I was cut off with Sebastian putting his hand on my mouth. "Young master, it seems she would like to stay with me". I bit his hand but of course it had no affect. I crossed my arms and quietly tapped my fingers, waiting for Sebastian to move. "Okay, Sebastian, do as she wants", Ciel said. I was surprised that Ciel fell for it, I thought he wasn't naive. I looked at Racheal, she smiled at me, and I sighed. During the time till Elizabeth gets here, everyone will be helping to prepare the mansion, so you two", he meant me and Racheal, "will work with Bardroy, Mey-rin, Finny, and Tanaka". We left the room to get ready. Racheal and I parted into our rooms.After a few minutes, Sebastian knocked on the door. I steeped up to the door, and opened it wait a small space. "What is it, I'm dressing", I rudely asked."You should  move our stuff into  OUR room". "Oh, ok". I dressed before getting ready the room. I felt something under my pillow, it was my book with the things I wanted to do in Black Butler. I looked at it for some time before, waking from the trance. I sighed" I dont need it anymore, because I'm sure I would remember these great times". I did a ricochet shot into the trash bin. I took up my school bag and my other clothes, and took them to Sebastian's room. I lightly knocked hoping he was not there. "Come in". I walked into the room, it looked nothing like the room in the manga. ( it looked link the one in the external link, but way bigger.) I stared in awe at the room, I looked to Sebastian. He was half naked!!! I looked, away blushing.  Sofia,you could leave you clothes in the bottom and middle draws of the dresser over there". I quickly walked over to the dresser trying to avoid the awkward situation. After I had put my stuff away, I sat on the bed brushing my hair. Sebastian was still dressing, I blushed at the thought. I wonder if Sebastian had four pack,my head turned slightly, before I got back my common sense, I mentally smacked myself. "M'lady,do you find something interesting. I blushed, "no". I then quickly walked out the room before, I was stopped with someone pulling my  wrist. I looked back, Sebastian looked at me with crimson  red eyes. His eyes were filled with lust(author:lying ontthe floor with awesome nose bleed). He roughly pulled me toward him hit his lips against mine. I stood there for a moment letting his soft lips sink in. I fell back to reality, and  pulled myself away from him. "It's not time for this", I say looking in his now normal eyes.He came closer to me   and whispered words, that made my heart skip a beat,"I love you".

I left the room quietly,and went downstairs to get ready to work. I went in the kitchen to find Racheal talking to Mey-rin, Bardroy, finny, and chibi Tanaka, but also preparing food. "Hay guys", I say smiling."Hi" they all said together. I went to Racheal and asked what we were making, cake she replied.I went to beating the eggs. Then Sebastian came in, everyone stopped talking, and went to making the cake. I did the same but was blushing, I hope nobody noticed. I looked down and mixed it with the flour and that was on the table, everyone else had added  their stuff in before,we set the cake into the oven. I looked at everyone, we all had batter on our aprons. I looked to Sebastian who seemed to be preparing fish, the spices smelled good. I looked to see everyone else staring at awe, while Tanaka was drinking his tea. " So what's next", I asked. " We have made all the other foods, and we have to clean the mansion, Y-yes we do". Racheal and I followed the other four. "U-uh, guys why didn't we see you before", asked Racheal."Mr. Sebastian kept us really busy", Finny replied. We went to work, cleaning the mansion. 

After 3 hours of cleaning, the mansion was spotless. " I think my hands are falling off",Racheal said falling on the ground. Everyone sighed, it really was hard work. I wiped my forehead with my hand. Sebastian came in and looked around,"The room looks better than usual". All that work and it looks better I thought. "Lady Elizabeth is coming in about 10 minutes I want all of you clean yourself up to welcome her. We all went into our rooms, I came in and sat on my bed after changing into my other maid uniform. Sebastian came in the room and I was pretty much fire engine red. I turned around with my back facing him. "Sofia, you should be downstairs".In slowly got up and left the room. I went down the stairs seeing everyone down their including Racheal and Ciel. I went down to Ciel and Racheal. "What'cha talking about ",I asked." Omg, I cant wait to meet Lizzy, she like my sister from another mister", Racheal screamed. Ciel rolled his eyes, I chuckled.


This is the end of another chap,I planned it to be longer, but it seems I cant. Well the next chap will have a lot of drama I hope.

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