Chapter 3:Surprise Suprise

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Sebastian's POV

Two young women  have mysteriously arrived on the manor's ground. Those two girls contrast and compliment one another,like sugar and salt. The first young lady, a brunette had more of a playful and child-like personality.One that reminded me of Lady Elizabeth.Then there's the other. Her hair is as dark as the blackest of nights, and skin as fair and perfect as a porcelin doll's. The scent of her soul immediately caught my attention. There was a distant yet faint whiff of bitterness  behind her smile. A symphany and absence of many tastes and aromas.

Never the less it is marvelous to have a few servants who aren't atrocious with everything they do. I looked down at the letter in my hand, noticing the wax seal. I better get this to young master. A clash of thunder interrupted my train of  thoughts. Looking out the window there was a sky full of gray heavy clouds. A storm is brewing. Hopefully it  wouldn't get in the way of the work young master and I have planned for the coming evening.

Ciel's POV

"Come in,Sebastian.Is it a letter from the queen ?"

"Not quite Master, something maybe a bit more interesting ", he replied , handing me the letter.

I took the envelope from the silver platter cutting the seal,and reading the paper inside.

"What could they be up to ?",I mumbled to myself.

"Prepare a room.Let's hope the storm doesnt keep them here" , I turned  to Sebastian placing  the letter back on the tray.

He ushered, "Yes, my lord."

-________________________ * ______________________

The small boy winned."Are we there yet?", his legs kicked onto his servant's lap as he rolled  the peculiar rabbit shaped lollipop around his tongue.

"Nearly, your Highness.

Sofia's POV

I woke up, to see a empty room, something was missing. Or somone... Sebastian.

After I got dressed I headed towards  Ciel's study, in hopes of seeing the butler there. I open the door to see a suprise, it was Alois Trancy.

"No way in all hell!," I screamed, "It's Alois trancy in the flesh!"

Alois trancy is right in front of me and so were Claude and Hannah who stood behind him. I flayed  my hands around the short blonde and soon after Hannah.
"It is me in the skin.Good to know I'm appreciated around here", Alois retorted.

"Racheal why didn't you wake me up?", I yelled.

" Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up."

"It's not like I'm not shaken up at unholy hours in the morning by that devil Sebastian".

The sky roared and cried, its tears fell hard against the windowpane. Everyone looked out the window, observing the rocking trees and heavy rain. "This is blood boring", Alois said breaking the silence among us . "Why don't we play some games". He turned to Claude and looked up at him, pulling his cheeks, "Claude, do you know any fun games ?" The statue of a butler merely answered, "Unfortunately not your highness ." Alois lips drooped further down into a clearly unpleased frown.

"I know a game", chimed in Racheal. "Truth or dare ...but with a twist!"

"Yes I intervened, rules are someone asks truth or dare and that person answers one of the two. The twist is, decline a truth or dare take of an article of clothing off. Also never dare a person to do so .Lastly there can only be one winner...but they can take two people into the winner circle ."I took a deep breath. "Meet back in the library in two minutes, do what you must to win!"

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