Chapter 5:Bedridden

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Ciel's POV

I came into Sofia's room with Racheal at my side. " Sebastian, have you found out what  has made her ill?"

"Unfortunately not , m'lord", he muttered harshly through his teeth with a glance of disgust etched across his face. Believe it or not, the butler looked repulsed at his inability to make her well. That well pieced together mask he wore was slipping  with this girl. Slipping more than I think he knows.

"Sebastian",I called taking off my eye patch, "This is an order — you are not to leave that girl alone until she is up and well. Do you understand, Sebastian?"

The butler's attention turned to me as his eyes glowed an unnatural crimson red. He kneeled before me with his hand over his chest, as he's done a million times over.

" Yes,M'lord."

Satisfied I turned to her,Racheal. "Racheal I suggest you leave Sofia to rest for a while, I trust Sebastian will take care of her."

She was hesitant and she slowly removed her slouching figure from over her friend's bed. I rested my hand on her shoulder and looked to her. Tears were streaming from her pink swollen eyes, as she constantly had to wipe them away. It was a sight that hurt me to see. I led her out the room assuring and comforting her.

" Would you like some chocolate,Racheal?"

Another quiet sob shook her body before her head bounced up and down on her neck.

Sebastian's POV
She was ill, unbelievably ill. I've never seen such a human dealing with various ailments and symptoms at once.

" Sebastian..."

She had called my name once or twice before. Once again my name fell from the edges of her trembling lips, as she squirmed around in pain.

" I'm here Sofia", I reassured slipping my hand into hers. Her grasp around my hand tightened and her nails dug into my skin , but her wails quieted along with the pressure to her grip. She ceased to twist and turn on the bed, and laid curled up peacefully as her chest rose and fell. I fixed the damp cloth on her forehead, and felt around her neck. She was still extremely warm. I looked down at Sofia,her hair was strewn across the sheet and her cheeks were tainted a dark shade of red. Her eyelids weigh down with exhaustion as she rested against the pillow.

The smell of blood brought me out of my thoughts. I looked down at my hand that dripped dark crimson liquid onto the wooden floor. I started licking the blood off and gently rubbed my tongue against my wound. There was no way she could have drawn blood in the weak state she was in. I looked at her hoping to confirm my thoughts. To my surprise her eyes, her eyes... They were a lovely blue as the always been but her pupils were shaped like little daggers. Weariness still radiated from her but she looked at me with her head slightly turned and curiosity clearly dancing within her mind.

"Sebastian", she called in nothing but a delicate whisper, one that tensed my entire being ."Milk...please", she muttered before swaying and collapsing back onto the bed. My body recoiled from shock as I tended to her quickly. I turned her over, and sat her up on my arms, her body felt limp but her chest continued to move. A feeling of relief came over me. Tucking her back into the sheets and noting her temperature I left to get her the glass of milk she longed for.

Ciel's POV
I watched as she nibbled away as a bunny would on the piece of chocolate. Her mood seemed to instantly lighten as she ate the sweet, though not entirely. " I'm sure Sofia will be herself again", I commented.She shook her head,as if she was uncertain of the idea."Her mother was sick a lot",she explained . "I-I heard it use to be very bad, to a point where she sat around bed ridden from the pain alone."

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