Chapter 6:TheTrancy Ball

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Ok guys I cant really do this story in order of the events of the anime, also I'm currently reading the manga.

_Hope you like the pic Btoom lovers _________________________________

||Ciel's POV

Early in the morning....

"You may enter".

The door knob turned and the door slowly swung in, introducing the butler,Sebastian.

"Another letter from the queen?", I question.

He slides the  tray with the letter toward me. "Unfortunately not, it is from someone less preferred.

I took up the letter and took a glance at the seal before deeply sighing. "The Trancys", I regrettably huffed. Taking up the knife I carved an opening on the letter and took out the paper inside. Reading the letter I looked up to Sebastian who didn't look in the slightest bit curious."Looks like we'll be attending a dance." He simply nodded in response.

"There's another matter I must inform you about, young master?"

"And that shall be...?"

"Sofia",he paused, taking in a deep breath,dazing away . " Her eyes so innocent and clueless of the filth of the world.Such an adorable but noble tail..."


He snapped back his attention to this world.

"She sprouted a pair of ears and a tail, a pair of feline  tail and ears."

I studied the demon's face,"Trying a bit more in the field of humor, I see."

"I find myself comical enough, young master, but I dare not lie to you. She is a human of feline features...Something I have not come by as a demon.Something very  unique."

A human of feline features, I thought. I was astonished, confused, and curious. "Does this have to do with her past sickness."

"I believe so."

Sofia's change in form might be related to the other strange occurrences that happened within the borders of  Britain. The reports of many civilians gone missing, unfamiliar objects being discovered in the streets, freak accidents.

With the wave of my hand I dismissed Sebastian, to ponder on my thoughts and findings.

Bizarre didn't begin to explain the recent events

||Sofia's POV

I groaned rising up from my bed and stretching my arms, . I sat up, arching over and smacking my lips at the unpleasant taste of morning breath.

"Good Morning, kitten."

I nearly jumped out of my bed as I felt my heart beating through my chest and my lungs fighting for air.

"Please don't do that!", I scolded.

He chuckled and skillfully poured a cup of tea while continuing to address me," We'll be attending a ball tonight so I expect you to be ready soon enough for the occasion."

"A ball?",I mumble to myself." Alois!"

"Yes, I cant grasp my head around how excited you get hearing his name."

"He is a brat, I won't argue with that, but a damaged precious brat. Blame the world ,not him for how he is", I explain,entirely meaning my words. My heart ached for a moment, as I felt a bit of familiarity to what I said.

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