Chapter 15~ You can't be for real ....

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Alois and his servants have not been forgotten, but they are not in the story now because they haven't been causing trouble. Just saying this if anyone noticed


"Hello, my dears,hehehehehehe", we heard as we steeped through the door. We saw undertaker cuddles in a corner, seeming to do something. "OMG", Sofia and I were holding hands jumping up and down in fangirling excitement. "Who are these young girl", she walked close to us in a sweeping gesture. "Racheal and Sofia", Sebastian said introducing us. "we both bowed before we ran to him, jumping on him and hugging . " What such wonderful young ladies,hehehehe. Would you like some tea", he asked, we both nodded. He gave us a beaker with tea, we drank having a normal conversation, if you call talking to one of your favorite characters from your favorite anime normal. "Can i see one of your 'guests'(corpses)", I asked. "Yes" he replied with a little giggle. I walked over to a coffin and uncovered it and looked at the dead bodies", I I started poking the corpse and, giggling with every poke.

"It's time to go" Sebastian stated while looking at his watch.

"But its only been thirty minutes", I whined.

"it's time to go".

Sofia and I left with a big goodbye. We went back to the shopping store to see everyone else ready to go. Elizabeth walked up to me, held both of my hands . "I've got the perfect dress for you, Racheal". "Thank you,Lizzy". She hugged me and went off to Ciel. I followed Sebastian, Ciel and Elizabeth, while Mey-Rin, Sofia, and I were left in the back of the group.

- Sofia's POV -

All I heard were busy vendors shouting, and the paperboy trying to sell his newspapers "England's mysterious killings, only a pound, read all about it, folks ". It was really crowded on the streets of England anyone could have mistaken it for the streets of Manhattan in our time. I was separated from everyone else and could barely see them, the were too many people.I was no crossing the bridge and thought I saw Sebastian way I front of me. I squeezed my way through the crowd,but people kept pushing! I fell over the side of the bridge . "Sebastian ", i screamed, tears started falling down my eyes, I was my time to die. His eyes widened and very one else turned to see what was happening. Everything around me became blurry and dark. "Will I die",I ask myself. Then everything went black.

I wok up to see myself in carriage."It seems your awake,Sofia. I looked to my side to see Sebastian, we we both under the sheets, and did I forgot to mention ...naked. "W-why", I stuttered from total embarrassment.

"I had save oh from the river, and of course you were soaking wet, and you would have caught a fever or worse, I had- ."

"But isn't there a better way to do this."

"No, malady ."

I blushed to a deeper shade of red. Sebastian came closer to me and less me on my forehead, I gave him a stare,meh gave me his closed eye smile. "Damn demon", I cursed.

He hugged me bringing me even closer to him, I could feel ALL on me including his- . "Get your stuff of of me". This was weird and I was feeling a little bit h- , you know what f**k hormones. We both on some clothes and fell on top of each other. I threw him off f me and slightly blushed. "We have arrived " the coachman shouted. Sebastian put on his closed , whole he gave me his over sized jacket that covered almost every private inch of my body. We stepped out of the carriage and Sebastian payed the coach man . We headed inside the mansion. Nobody was there, probably sleeping. We went upstairs into our room and took a bath one after another, before changing into our nightly attire. Before I fell asleep I thanked him by giving him a kissing him on the cheek for saving my life. He faintly blushed and went to do his nightly chores. I quickly fell asleep.

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